forum Let's write a story!
Started by @remarkab.le

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"Well I discovered with my new magical unicorn powers that it is indeed a real place," Fred's eyes suddenly went dreamy, as reminising on a beautiful memory, "and it is a delicious place…"

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"Hop on my back, " Fred commanded, "it's going to be a hella awesome of a ride!"


Delilah's jaw dropped, her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in horror, "Fred you're not suggesting– you can't mean… we can't go there, that's suicide!"

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"yes," he whispered ominously, "through the men's bathroom is the secret portal."


"Well, not for much longer" Fred retorted as magical smoke flowed out of his horn and surrounded Delilah.

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(what if the smoke was drugs?!XD)
"Don't breath any of the smoke in, " Fred warned Delilah, " or you'll get high lol."

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"It's called emo vocal fashion, Delilah," Fred retorted, once again flipping his hair, "look it up."


Thinking literally, Delilah looked up, and, too confused as to what she should be "looking up" at, forgot to not breathe; the sky began to swirl like some rip-off Van Gogh painting.

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Nya cats and sparkles surrounded them as the world tipped upside down to reveal the other side.