forum Let's write a story!
Started by @remarkab.le

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You get one sentence. Don't comment twice in a row. I'm bored so let's have some fun. I'm gonna start off really basic.

It's a standard fairy tale beginning, a damsel in distress and a curse that everyone has heard before.

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There was a small, sad, girl in a blue dress.


She remained alone in her small castle, terribly sad, for her curse, the curse which defined her identity, as it did with every other princess in the country, had been heard before by all.

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She ripped the dress to shreds, undeserving of its embrace.


That being said, the dress was made from the skin of the last prince who tried to hug her, an ugly man covered in zits, so she was thankful to see it torn apart.


She continued to mope around her room, kicking her bed, ripping up her sheets, and aimlessly punching the wall.

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Finally, she decided that being a princess was too troublesome for her liking, and packing up her belonging she escaped from Bowzers castle on an emo unicorn named Fred.


Fred, was, in fact, one of her emo princess friends, who had been cursed into unicorn form; however, much like she had, Fred had decided that living freely as an emo unicorn wasn't that bad(especially compared to being cooped up in a stuffy castle all day–with no hands!)


Once inside the marketplace Fred and Delilah (she deserves a name) walked around examining the wares it carried, feeling more freedom than she had in years.


"Wait," the gnome begged, "I don't want to call you out or anything; I just really like your hair–It's so princess-y!"


The gnome giggled, and with a puff of smoke, transformed into a giant garden-gnome version of Delilah, nearly identical except for being made of porcelain.