forum Let's bond over our strange fears
Started by @Relsey

people_alt 14 followers


Did I mention a fear of the unknown, like i have to have a plan or I freak out, I know how my school day is going to go I know what I'll do when I get home, it's not set in stone but having some thing to fall back on if something goes wrong.


That makes perfect sense
People are all scared of the unknown, in some amounts
People are scared of the dark because they can't see so they don't know what's going to be in there, not because it's dark

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That does make sense, although I'm not scared of the unknown. I'm kinda nocturnal, actually, because of some mild insomnia. I'm weird. ;)

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ever been so scared of a pool that you run into the house and go into a room with no windows because you have thalassaphobia?

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no, but have you ever been in a room with tons of people yelling at eachother and then someone drops a metal tray, you run out of the room like a scared deer?

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My family loves football and gets very loud about it, so i just hide under my bed..


I'm really sensitive to noises and smells and I have a tendency to suddenly cringed in public because something smells really bad or is really noisy
The good side is I hear and smell things a lot better than my friends


I used to be allergic to seafood but that allergy mysteriously disappeared after 4-year-old went on a trip to America


I have a phobia of being poked with sharp objects specifically needles. I stepped on a needle today. That was something interesting to witness.

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im kinda a jumpy person and one time my dad came in to say goodnight and i jumped backwards off the bed