forum Let's bond over our strange fears
Started by @Relsey

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@Alylistrates group

I actually have pittakionophobia, which is the irrational fear of stickers and labels. lol i just really really really dislike stickers and i dont them anywhere near me. I also am afraid of deep water, the dark, and the future


I hate stickers and labels too i don't know ive never liked them they gross me out and i dont know how people just like stick stickers on their face and stuff, I even hate bandaids

@Alylistrates group

@Norenpinephrinxx I know, I've never understood how people could just put stickers on their face ew. When I was a kid, my friends had stickers on their car seats and I would always refuse to sit in those seats


@Norenpinephrinxx I know, I've never understood how people could just put stickers on their face ew. When I was a kid, my friends had stickers on their car seats and I would always refuse to sit in those seats

I hate putting stickers on my body, or anywhere on my clothing or body but I don't hate them

@HighPockets group

I'm afraid of losing everything. My respect, friends, family, love, dignity, reputation, everything. I'm afraid of never being good enough, of being the friend no one really likes. Of being the forever third wheel. Of growing apart from my friends.

@Nomadicd20 group

I'm afraid of losing everything. My respect, friends, family, love, dignity, reputation, everything. I'm afraid of never being good enough, of being the friend no one really likes. Of being the forever third wheel. Of growing apart from my friends.


Deleted user

everytime someone says that they dont want to do something
i agree even if i really want to do it

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I have a fear of cans (hey, those things have scary sharp edges! My mom literally licked the juice off of the flat middle, and got sliced on the lip from freaking TOUCHING IT!!), also I fear powersaws, clowns, and ovens. And let’s not forget! I’m terrified of my own thoughts.