forum Let's bond over our strange fears
Started by @Relsey

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Idk any of the names for my phobias, but I am deathly afraid of things being pointed at me. Nerf guns, needles, knives, toothpicks
Lots of things. I'm also afraid of pain, and spiders, and wide empty spaces that are boxed in (like big empty rooms) and idk but life jackets? I feel like they're trying to kill me, tight seat belts and tight shirts and pants, belts also. I could name so many more but if you have the names of those phobias that'd be nice

The life jackets, tight shirts and pants, etc I think all come under claustrophobia (fear of small spaces) because u are trapped :)

Deleted user

I have a fear of trees bc I ran into one on my snow mobile and knocked myself out. I was found a day later. And I have a fear of being stabbed again… just don't ask…

Well, now I have to ask! Did you get stabbed?!?


I am terrified of crabs and jellyfish and sharks. That’s why I’m terrified of the ocean because I’m constantly worried something is going to attack me. Most land animals don’t scare me because I can actually see them, but in the ocean your just swimming around praying to Jesus that nothing comes near you.
Also I have FOMO (fear of missing out) and it’s really crippling because it affects pretty much every decision because I always think about the other option and am terrified that I’m missing something big.
I also have claustrophobia but it’s not severe because it doesn’t happen to me very often.
Last but not least I’m terrified of elevators because I thought I was going to die in one once:)
HMU if u have any of the same fears

I've literally always had the worst fear of missing out ever

@yeetus This website give you like all the phobias in the world. Just search the name of the phobia or the thing you're scared of and it'll come up.

Totally understand the flushing toilet one. I've got good hearing but it comes with me being really sensitive to noise. Like any noise

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have a fear of trees bc I ran into one on my snow mobile and knocked myself out. I was found a day later. And I have a fear of being stabbed again… just don't ask…

Well, now I have to ask! Did you get stabbed?!?

Yes, I did get stabbed, and I didn't panic, but my bf was going crazy trying to get me to a hospital… lol… The wondrous places and people of Alaska… I'm k though.


I have carcerophobia

What is that

Carcerophobia (from Latin carcer meaning "prison, jail") is the fear of prison. Anybody can suffer this fear even though they done nothing illegal in their lives. Sufferers would usually have obsessive thoughts about what's the life is like in the prison. Many carcerophobes would feel worry about spending the rest of the life in the prison the most. Sufferers would do everything to stay out of trouble. They may be afraid for parents or other family member to call the police. If the sufferer did a little misbehaving thing or even did something bad accidentally, they may panic in terror, with symptoms like sweating, obsessive worries, rapid breathing, and sense of being trapped. Seeing the police officer or even seeing the police car from a distance may also cause them to panic.


For me it's not that bad but I do take quite a while to make decisions. Good thing is there usually are really long lines when I need to do this so I have time to decide


Like, depending on the day, I can't even order off a menu without feeling guilty for choosing one thing over another.

YAS. Like it takes me 20 minutes at frickin RED ROBIN to decide between the pizza and the corn dogs.

(Hint: Just get the corn dogs. The pizza's too weird)