forum Just wondering and I'm not trying to be offensive but...
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people_alt 10 followers


I'm atheist, and, most people get the jist of that obviously, but it's often incorrectly stigmatized, and no one had mentioned it yet, so if you have questions, I could potentially contribute ^v^


I'm mormon, but I don't agree with some of the stuff that comes along with it, so when people ask my religion I always say kinda mormon. I support LGBT, which is apparently a sin in my religion, though some mormons are okay with it. I also don't agree with the priesthood only being given to men?? I will answer questions the best I can


Hello yes, I'm Mormon, here to answer any questions you may have.
When including religions that you don't practice/don't know v well, I just think it's really important that you do your research. Go to the source too, don't just get basics from ppl who practice/used to practice/know of a religion. For example, to learn about mormons, you should go to one of the official church websites (either or, not a random youtube video or instagram lol.
Also know what "umbrella" a religion falls under. In the Christian umbrella, you generally have Catholics, Protestants, and Mormons. Catholics were around for a long time in AD (aka CE), then the Protestant denominations emerged in the wake of indulgences and Martin Luther's 95 Theses. Mormons aren't Protestant bc we didn't form in opposition to the Catholic church (or other Protestant churches for that matter) like the Lutherans did (Martin Luther's sect). I also remember from 7th grade social studies that there are 2 (?) branches of Islam.
So yeah, just do your research. I think you'll be fine if you do that, and keep prejudices out of your work as much as possible. Like, you can have characters that disagree, or characters with beliefs opposite your own, but if you don't respect differences/diversity there's prob going to be a fair amount of angry readers. Just don't throw shade, do your best to represent.


Well, we go to church on Sundays. We are relatively normal people. We aim to spread the word of God, just not like the Mormons. We create fixing ministries to show others the love that Christ showed us, or that's just my church. We understand no one is perfect and we strive to be like God. We tend to be forgiving. (unless your an old hag who gossips.) We memorize the word of God (Bible verses) so if we get into a sticky situation, we can reference that verse to help us in the situation.
Um, I don't support Lgbt, since I trust in God more than humans. But, that doesn't mean I'm going to harass someone for being Lgbt. I just don't think its right.
I was going to say something else but i forgot. Sorry, it's like 100 degrees over here and my acs broken.

That's pretty much me and my family.