forum Just wondering and I'm not trying to be offensive but...
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people_alt 10 followers

Deleted user

I'm wondering what religions/cultures people are part of on, not to be rude but I want to learn more about different religions and cultures. Is this an offensive question or not, I'm not going to disrespect anybody's religion/culture so if you intend to join this chat you need to let people believe what they believe and be who they are and not be a jerk about it. Have a nice day!

Deleted user

That's very interesting, I don't really know much about Conservative Christianity, could you tell me more about it?

Deleted user

Well, we go to church on Sundays. We are relatively normal people. We aim to spread the word of God, just not like the Mormons. We create fixing ministries to show others the love that Christ showed us, or that's just my church. We understand no one is perfect and we strive to be like God. We tend to be forgiving. (unless your an old hag who gossips.) We memorize the word of God (Bible verses) so if we get into a sticky situation, we can reference that verse to help us in the situation.
Um, I don't support Lgbt, since I trust in God more than humans. But, that doesn't mean I'm going to harass someone for being Lgbt. I just don't think its right.
I was going to say something else but i forgot. Sorry, it's like 100 degrees over here and my acs broken.


hi Christian here but leaning towards agnostic..well not really. Like I definitely believe in Jesus and the Bible and all, but I've been around so many hypocritical Christians and been subjected to…stuff. That I just. I'm not sure. I'm literally ONLY sure about Jesus and His love and His messages.

Deleted user

hi Christian here but leaning towards agnostic..well not really. Like I definitely believe in Jesus and the Bible and all, but I've been around so many hypocritical Christians and been subjected to…stuff. That I just. I'm not sure. I'm literally ONLY sure about Jesus and His love and His messages.

Very similar to what my family believes. Since God is supposed to be the embodiment of love and we are based from God we just love people and try to be kind. I think that even though nobody is perfect nobody has to be as long as they are kind.

Deleted user

Oh I know the struggle friend. The Pope's being really hypocritical and other things right now…

Um… I don't think that really…. erm….. that's a little off topic….

Deleted user

I don't think anyone even listens to the Pope anymore.

Deleted user

But just wondering, should I incorperate a religion/culture I'm not part of in my novel? Or is that racist? I don't want to offend anyone.


Religion isn't race. Plus, it's great to be diverse! Part of being a writer is being able to write from wildly different points of view and still tell a story that's entirely yours.