forum Just a random chat, a la Spork
Started by @Low_Mein

people_alt 45 followers

Deleted user

dude, the best thing you can do is not give a shit about what anyone says, just ignore it, you don't have to leave over something as stupid as a comment in the rudeness chat

but i will say that telling someone else to kill themselves is a no go, especially not on this site, so you better watch yourself if you do end up deciding to stay


Oh, I wouldn't be leaving because I didn't like how I was treated in that one discussion, that's fine. I wanted to leave because I don't fit in here. I'm just too against things that these people like. I don't and can't write or draw, I hate the anime and rp garbage that goes around, and I'm a heavy homophobe for some reason. I don't have an issue with gay people specifically, but I hate those gays who have to just relate every little thing they do to being gay. So annoying. I thought I made friends here over the year that I've been on here, but turns out I only know one person, but according to them they have so many accounts and I can't tell anymore. Fuck life. I'm done.

@saor_illust school

I don't know you personally, but-

I'm sorry you feel this way. I just want to let you know a few things: I may not know how you look in real life, I may not know you at all, but you are gorgeous, and you need to be appreciated for who you are. Because in my world, gorgeous isn't defined by how "pretty" or how you look, it's defined by who you are. In my world, I appreciate everyone, even those I don't know. If I don't know them, then I'm appreciating them for being alive, and just existing. I may not know your personality, or anything about your life, but if I did, it wouldn't make a difference. I know for a fact that you're an amazing friend, even if I'm not necessarily your friend. Anyone who knows you in real life, and still leaves you behind as a friend, or decides not to be your friend, that's their problem. You're a great friend. And okay, you have your beliefs. I'll respect them, it's your life, your beliefs. I don't have a problem with people against, or having differing opinions than the LGBTQ community at all. We're all human, after all. We all make mistakes at one point in our life. We all have feelings, we all deserve to be loved and appreciated.

Okay, I'm done with my mini-ramble. But I hope you take these words to heart, because they're all true, and I'd say them in a split second even to my worst enemy. Because even my worst enemy has her reasons for disliking me. And I don't hate her, I don't dislike her, no, not really now that I think deeply about it. Everyone has their own reasons for being who they are, so even after you've said all that, I still refuse to judge you based on what little information I know.

@saor_illust school

You're welcome, it all came from my heart. No, I may not know you, but I'd like you to know that somewhere, at least someone is willing to appreciate you and love you for who you are (that isn't me because I don't know you at all, and honestly it'd be kind of weird if I just went "I love you")

Deleted user

Hmmm, I understand that you entered the rudeness chat and got insulted a bit, but everyone overreacted. Adding onto that, you can't threaten people with your own suicide or tell someone to kill themselves. Lot's of people can get triggered by that kiddo.

@Pickles group

I'm pissed about it and I'm not even one of the people involved. So just shut the fuck up about it. And to future people that might be considering saying something at this point: same goes for you. Don't.

Deleted user

Listen, it wasn't to start arguing again. It was saying that both sides overreacted and that it was made worse by the threatening. I was extremely triggered by that and was sent into a flashback because of it. I'm mostly saying that if you're arguing with someone for something you really believe in, go for it, but don't reach on to extremely sensitive subjects.
I could care less that you felt annoyed or that others did. But if you're feeling that bad, try and reach out to a professional instead of taking out your problems on a site filled with writers, most of who have the same problems you do.

Deleted user

oooooooor we could just stop talking about it

Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

Deleted user

Listen Pickles. Spork told one of my best friends to kill herself because she made a snide remark. Sure, Emi probably shouldn't have done that, but Spork didn't need to fucking threaten suicide than tell her to kill herself.

Now, onto Spork.
You need to deal with your own shit instead of taking it out on a bunch of writers. The chat was the rudeness chat, not the "Let's play the victim than tell someone to kill themselves because you can't come up with a better retort." Chat.

@Pickles group

I'm not justifying it. Everyone overreacted and they talked about it and the only "conclusion" they're going to come to has been reached. So you saying stuff isn't going to change anything.


Now, onto Spork.
You need to deal with your own shit instead of taking it out on a bunch of writers. The chat was the rudeness chat, not the "Let's play the victim than tell someone to kill themselves because you can't come up with a better retort." Chat.

My god I fucking know stop making me upset for like the sixth time
I understand I did a bad thing, holy crap. I did not act as a victim. I hate people who do that.
How many times do I have to apologize until every single person who uses Notebook is satisfied?
Can we just drop this? I tend to have a good time talking to people on notebook, and now it's just gone negative because I said something I didn't mean. It was caused by my situational anger and frustration of the horrible things that happened over the previous weekend and am still getting over its effects. I should not have taken out my anger on Emi, but Emi should also not have chosen someone specific to curse at, but vented without attacking, as she also had a bad day. Case closed, please, I'm sick of getting flamed by like six different people and now half the people I talk to think of me as an awful person. This horrific discussion does not need to continue.


Am I the problem? Hmm? You want me out? For one mistake? Can you not understand the frustration of somebody who was wronged, and was pushed into a rage instead of being helped into an easy and pleasant solution?


I really want to say something but people would probably hate me

No, Ella, you're fine :3 I don't mind what you say unless it's like really derogatory.