forum Just a random chat, a la Spork
Started by @Low_Mein

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Deleted user

The thing is, kiddo, you didn't fucking apologize. And even if you did, it doesn't excuse the fact of what you did. And I'm not saying you should leave, I don't think anyone should leave this amazing site full of supporting people.

Deleted user

I mean, I think it’s something that we should just let go. They did apologize well enough for me so…

Deleted user

that’s ok. and I’m sorry too. I promise I’m not like, 1000% feminazi every day

like today i got an amazon package and that was epic

but yeah I’m sorry too

welcome to the site forums!!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Okay. So no one really knows me here so I can say this. I went back and read the chat. It's nice that you guys apologized, but it should have never happened. I understand that tempers flare, but acting out of anger only makes things worse. I give everyone a fair warning. Including myself. I'm just gonna stop, because I don't want to make everyone angry… And I don't want to cause anything with anyone.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I almost lost my life due to the anger of myself and someone else. I advocate for peace and equality, because I don't want people to end up like me. I live in fear, wondering if today could be the day I get wiped off of the planet. But I choose to forgive and love rather than remain angry. It's just my philosophy. You don't have to agree with it, it's just my way.

@Pickles group

Okay. So no one really knows me here so I can say this. I went back and read the chat. It's nice that you guys apologized, but it should have never happened. I understand that tempers flare, but acting out of anger only makes things worse. I give everyone a fair warning. Including myself. I'm just gonna stop, because I don't want to make everyone angry… And I don't want to cause anything with anyone.

I don't care if I hardly know you, I hardly know any of you and you all need to stop. Stop it already. Fucking hell it's not that hard.

Deleted user

Yeah I’m begging to agree.

Just like, stop bringing it up, especially if you had absolutely nothing to do with it.