forum Just a quick honesty session...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Well, in all honesty, you're right to be wary of overly helpful people like myself… Some are wolves in sheepskin, but even if they are, I sense you are a good enough judge of character to see right through it…

I try really hard. Maybe it’s because I used to dive into interpersonal relationships due to the lack of positive attention I received in school, but all of them turning out to be toxic and harmful to my well-being, and I hesitated to let go of those relationships because I was desperate and in denial that they would treat me poorly. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Idk.

@HighPockets group

@Overdoneyanoveltropeyesplease did you have a different username before? I've seen you around, but I don't think we've ever talked before.

Bec you've helped me so much on here and I absolutely love you!!! You always help people who are struggling even though you're a busy college student and you've honestly helped me soooooooooooo much!!!!


Jynnie, I love how you're a reader. You've recommended some pretty great books to me (side note: I started Code Name Verity and I love it!)

@HighPockets group

Jynnie, I love how you're a reader. You've recommended some pretty great books to me (side note: I started Code Name Verity and I love it!)

Aw yes!!!
Tris/Elena, you were the first person to reach out to me on this site, and even though we don't interact like a super ton, I think you're amazing!!! UWU

@Becfromthedead group

Bec you've helped me so much on here and I absolutely love you!!! You always help people who are struggling even though you're a busy college student and you've honestly helped me soooooooooooo much!!!!

I'm so glad I've been able to help you! I started talking to you a bit more recently, and you're great. You're very creative and fun to talk to, and you always seem to have something good to add to a conversation. And you're a little nerdy, which I always appreciate. I get these vibes from you that tell me you can be a really warm person.

@HighPockets group

Bec you've helped me so much on here and I absolutely love you!!! You always help people who are struggling even though you're a busy college student and you've honestly helped me soooooooooooo much!!!!

I'm so glad I've been able to help you! I started talking to you a bit more recently, and you're great. You're very creative and fun to talk to, and you always seem to have something good to add to a conversation. And you're a little nerdy, which I always appreciate. I get these vibes from you that tell me you can be a really warm person.

Aw thanks!!



Well, in all honesty, you're right to be wary of overly helpful people like myself… Some are wolves in sheepskin, but even if they are, I sense you are a good enough judge of character to see right through it…

I try really hard. Maybe it’s because I used to dive into interpersonal relationships due to the lack of positive attention I received in school, but all of them turning out to be toxic and harmful to my well-being, and I hesitated to let go of those relationships because I was desperate and in denial that they would treat me poorly. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Idk.

Personally, I'm the way I am, a violent but helpful weeb, because I watched anime when I was hella hella young (too young)… My childhood wasn't like other childhoods… It wasn't as guarded, but as a result it allowed me to better figure out how life works…
Anyway… When watching anime, I was exposed to all the teen adult content, (which explains a lot) but I was also exposed to a lot of the "heroism" that all the main characters were shown… Does that mean I judge people's character based on what I've seen in anime? No… But it helped me define my own…

I'm sorry, there's probably an endless amount of typos in there. And the structure is probably terrible. I was just trying to piece it all together.



Well, in all honesty, you're right to be wary of overly helpful people like myself… Some are wolves in sheepskin, but even if they are, I sense you are a good enough judge of character to see right through it…

I try really hard. Maybe it’s because I used to dive into interpersonal relationships due to the lack of positive attention I received in school, but all of them turning out to be toxic and harmful to my well-being, and I hesitated to let go of those relationships because I was desperate and in denial that they would treat me poorly. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Idk.

Personally, I'm the way I am, a violent but helpful weeb, because I watched anime when I was hella hella young (too young)… My childhood wasn't like other childhoods… It wasn't as guarded, but as a result it allowed me to better figure out how life works…
Anyway… When watching anime, I was exposed to all the teen adult content, (which explains a lot) but I was also exposed to a lot of the "heroism" that all the main characters were shown… Does that mean I judge people's character based on what I've seen in anime? No… But it helped me define my own…

I'm sorry, there's probably an endless amount of typos in there. And the structure is probably terrible. I was just trying to piece it all together.

It’s all good. I get it.



Well, in all honesty, you're right to be wary of overly helpful people like myself… Some are wolves in sheepskin, but even if they are, I sense you are a good enough judge of character to see right through it…

I try really hard. Maybe it’s because I used to dive into interpersonal relationships due to the lack of positive attention I received in school, but all of them turning out to be toxic and harmful to my well-being, and I hesitated to let go of those relationships because I was desperate and in denial that they would treat me poorly. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Idk.

Personally, I'm the way I am, a violent but helpful weeb, because I watched anime when I was hella hella young (too young)… My childhood wasn't like other childhoods… It wasn't as guarded, but as a result it allowed me to better figure out how life works…
Anyway… When watching anime, I was exposed to all the teen adult content, (which explains a lot) but I was also exposed to a lot of the "heroism" that all the main characters were shown… Does that mean I judge people's character based on what I've seen in anime? No… But it helped me define my own…

I'm sorry, there's probably an endless amount of typos in there. And the structure is probably terrible. I was just trying to piece it all together.

It’s all good. I get it.


Deleted user

I thought you were a girl (for no reason) until like a week ago
im so sorry ahh

OMG same 🤦🤦I'm so dumb, I thought of Shuri from marvel when I saw his name. I only figured out yesterday when I realized that this is the second account, and I think Shuri is derived from shuriken?


I thought you were a girl (for no reason) until like a week ago
im so sorry ahh

OMG same 🤦🤦I'm so dumb, I thought of Shuri from marvel when I saw his name. I only figured out yesterday when I realized that this is the second account, and I think Shuri is derived from shuriken?

Exactly… I'm good with shuriken, so I shortened it to Shuri.

Another reason I use the honorifics is because when people hear Shuri-kun, they usually get the idea thst I'm a guy…

I actually didn't start the whole honorifics thing myself… It was Emi and I… But it just sorta regressed into this…

@Moxie group

Shuri you're really helpful and it's so admirable. Like I don't know how you have the brain power and energy to listen to as many people as you do but I know we all appreciate it and you. Yeah, I don't really have any beef with you or anything against you.


Shuri you're really helpful and it's so admirable. Like I don't know how you have the brain power and energy to listen to as many people as you do but I know we all appreciate it and you. Yeah, I don't really have any beef with you or anything against you.

I don't think anyone on this site has beef except for with all the internet trolls that spring up randomly. But I like you too moxie… You're interesting and cool.

Deleted user

Shuri…. where do i begin…… you are the mother (well father but…) hen of this site. Looking out for everyone and making sure you can get one on one with people when they need emotional support or help. You are a generally good person. Though i don't see many flaws in you, this is truthful nonetheless.