forum Just a quick honesty session...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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As for you @Mindful_Bison
You're a cool person… You seem chill and tranquil!

Shuri, I love how you're always helping people, but the same time I don't because it's kind of annoying how you keep asking people to pm you when you do, (No offense.) But you've got a big heart bro, keep going!


As for you @Mindful_Bison
You're a cool person… You seem chill and tranquil!

Shuri, I love how you're always helping people, but the same time I don't because it's kind of annoying how you keep asking people to pm you when you do, (No offense.) But you've got a big heart bro, keep going!

I don't take offense to that…

I only ask people to PN me, because I know most people don't like ranting or venting in public. But I can see how you find it annoying, as I'm rather ubiquitous here…

@Becfromthedead group

@Sweater_Weather!! ( It's Brooklyn/Laffette/Fox_Lover32/NerdGirl???) I've interacted with you mostly in RPs, and I like you a lot, because you're no-nonsense and always make sure to do things right, and your characters are well-built and easy to interact with. But you also seem like a really cool person, even though I feel like I don't know you very well outside of RP.

@Becfromthedead group

And shuri! I think you're really cool, helpful, and creative, and we seem to have some common interests. I really like talking to you here. But I have a feeling if we had met in real life, we'd either be good friends or hate each other, and there's no in between.


Man, the good old days, your rps were always the coolest and most enjoyable, I really enjoyed them! I like how you are so descriptive with your characters and your style of writing!


And shuri! I think you're really cool, helpful, and creative, and we seem to have some common interests. I really like talking to you here. But I have a feeling if we had met in real life, we'd either be good friends or hate each other, and there's no in between.

I'm actually quite different IRL.

I am smol. Usually either sullen, pissy, nervous or chill… But why do you say that?

@Becfromthedead group

Hm, it's hard to explain exactly. Lemme try to put it into words. I'm very sensitive to the "vibes" people give off I guess, and it's like on the one hand, you seem really chill, but on the other hand, you come off as strong-willed. I'm really stubborn myself, and usually when exposed to people who I also perceive as being strong-willed, we either get along great or butt heads, usually the latter unless we have some common goal/interest that cancels it out.


I know a billion people have commented for Shuri, but since we’re halo being honest here: I admire how you are trying to help, but I find it overly sweet erring on the side of forced. And the amounts of time you use honorifics is a little bit weird, like you are a thirteen year old weeaboo. ( not that I don’t watch anime ). I don’t dislike you, though. I know that I find it easy to distrust people who are really, really sugary and I believe that there is such thing as too nice/ too good. But I mean, I don’t really care either. So you do you.


I know a billion people have commented for Shuri, but since we’re halo being honest here: I admire how you are trying to help, but I find it overly sweet erring on the side of forced. And the amounts of time you use honorifics is a little bit weird, like you are a thirteen year old weeaboo. ( not that I don’t watch anime ). I don’t dislike you, though. I know that I find it easy to distrust people who are really, really sugary and I believe that there is such thing as too nice/ too good. But I mean, I don’t really care either. So you do you.

I am a weeb… I get how you can say that… But as for the obsessive use of honorifics… Well, that's actually something started by both Emi and I… But I think you guys should know that I'm not that nice IRL… In fact, I'm just a tad violent if I'm being honest, and sometimes it gets in the way…

@Becfromthedead group

So, what is your goal in life?

Ah, you see, that's where I believe we could potentially get along well. My only real purpose in life is to end up helping others. But my way of doing it is going to be a more physical thing. I want to become a doctor and help lessen the suffering of others in the sense of physical ailments. I mean, we eventually die anyway, so to me personal achievement doesn't mean much. It's what I leave behind, which may be research, may be people who are in less pain than they were, or may be people who were inspired to do the same by me.


But yeah! Thanks for your opinion… If you want mine about you well, I've seen you around, and I think you're a bit to cold, and to gruff… But I know your heart's in the right place though, and you seem to have an excess of common sense, which is great…

Deleted user

@Becfromthedead I don't know you very well (and here I was, thnking I knew everyone) but you seem like, really genuine and nice, and I wish we talked more!!!

@Becfromthedead group

But yeah! Thanks for your opinion… If you want mine about you well, I've seen you around, and I think you're a bit to cold, and to gruff… But I know your heart's in the right place though, and you seem to have an excess of common sense, which is great…


@moonlight-warrior-sapphic-soul-the-only-mom Yeah, I don't know you very well either, but I'm glad I come across as nice at least! I think you seem pretty nice and chill, too, and I'm not gonna lie, I found it really amusing when you asserted yourself as another mother figure of this site.


So, what is your goal in life?

Ah, you see, that's where I believe we could potentially get along well. My only real purpose in life is to end up helping others. But my way of doing it is going to be a more physical thing. I want to become a doctor and help lessen the suffering of others in the sense of physical ailments. I mean, we eventually die anyway, so to me personal achievement doesn't mean much. It's what I leave behind, which may be research, may be people who are in less pain than they were, or may be people who were inspired to do the same by me.

I get you… Personally, I just don't want people to live in as much of a crapsack world as they do… I know it can't be helped because life freaking sucks regardless… But I want to make a difference. And to do that, I have to be as smart, as strong, and as skilled as I possibly can be… I want a more progressive world, and I want to help people be the best that they can be, by being the best thst I myself can be! I just don't want anyone to be wracked with overwhelming pain (whether mental, or physical), or grief, or loss, or sorrow, or anger, or terror. I'm not saying I want a utopia, far from it, because we humans need adversity. I just want people and their environment to be better…


But yeah! Thanks for your opinion… If you want mine about you well, I've seen you around, and I think you're a bit to cold, and to gruff… But I know your heart's in the right place though, and you seem to have an excess of common sense, which is great…


@moonlight-warrior-sapphic-soul-the-only-mom Yeah, I don't know you very well either, but I'm glad I come across as nice at least! I think you seem pretty nice and chill, too, and I'm not gonna lie, I found it really amusing when you asserted yourself as another mother figure of this site.

No not you… @Overdoneyanoveltropeyesplease