forum Just a quick honesty session...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

people_alt 10 followers

Deleted user

You're a great human being and I'm so glad I met you!
I don't have any complaints…srry

Deleted user

I knew that, sometimes I use ideas I've seen on sites and use those……pls don't kill me


Shuri, you're a great person and it's fun seeing you around the site, but you always try to be super friendly and best-buds-like with everyone and I find it a bit annoying. That being said, you're also a great helper and I love that you want to help everyone

Deleted user

I thought you were a girl (for no reason) until like a week ago
im so sorry ahh

Deleted user

Hellu (gonna attempt this)

Shuri your a pretty amazing person
You help a lot of people on here from what I’ve seen
Your generally a likeable person and I can’t really see much wrong with you

Deleted user

hi (im trying)
I haven't talked with you like a whole lot but you seem really cool and chill!! hope we can talk more in the future
oh god is this like a tbh


I don't think I know you, but you seem like a optimistic chill bro! You're one of the engines of the site that keep it going and you try to help people!