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@Dazzling Dragon

So. I'm new. I'm a young writer who's slowly working on a book based in a fantasy world I've been slowly developing for several years. I read that this website is great for organizing important story elements like settings and characters, and I've been looking for that for a long time and I believe that I have finally found a good place. Not only does it have the resources I need, but it also has a welcoming writing and roleplaying community around it. I am excited to be here! Looking forward to talking to fellow writers.

@Dazzling Dragon

It certainly looks like it! Thanks for the welcome.

Honestly, one of my favorite parts is that I can snoop on other peoples' public character and item documents. Literally just found that out.

@Dazzling Dragon

Of course, I just like reading about other characters, sometimes, even though you'd think I only care about my stuff if you've seen the way I talk about it. xD

Your things seem cool. Are you working on Japan-based urban fantasy or something like that?

@Dazzling Dragon

I'm really into fantasy, too. Less urban stuff, and more the medieval-ish fantasy with adventurers and big worlds to explore. My favorite parts of it all is worldbuilding and character design. Still struggling to connect the two with cohesive stories. I roleplay all the time, though. Probably the only reason I'm any good at writing. xD

@Dazzling Dragon

Yeah, I mostly use roleplay to flesh out characters. I need to get games going with all of the new characters I've made for my first story. For some reason, I made 6 new characters and dragged out 2 undeveloped ones instead of using characters I've worked on for years. Silly me. xD

And if you want to roleplay with a random stranger, hit me up. Not…not that I'm a super reliable player. I'm actually a little bit forgetful and fickle. Probably only roleplay with me if you're okay with casual and slow sessions.


Yeah, I mostly use roleplay to flesh out characters. I need to get games going with all of the new characters I've made for my first story. For some reason, I made 6 new characters and dragged out 2 undeveloped ones instead of using characters I've worked on for years. Silly me. xD

And if you want to roleplay with a random stranger, hit me up. Not…not that I'm a super reliable player. I'm actually a little bit forgetful and fickle. Probably only roleplay with me if you're okay with casual and slow sessions.

I'd like to roleplay with you. It's fine.

@Dazzling Dragon

Hi Wren; fellow newbie here. Welcome to the…the place. xD Yeah, this is a pretty cool place.

Also, thank you guys for showing me how PMs work. Silly thing to ask for help with, I know. I'm not an old person; I swear.


Hi, I'm new here xD My name is Apoline but you can call me Claire or Rora. I'm not writing anything currently, just working on some of my OCs and past characters to old books I tried writing.