forum Introduce yourself!
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Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!


Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

Deleted user

Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

So how did you find notebook? I’m just really curious.


Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

So how did you find notebook? I’m just really curious.

I found a link to it on pintrest, and thought it looked really interesting, how did you find it?

Deleted user

Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

So how did you find notebook? I’m just really curious.

I found a link to it on pintrest, and thought it looked really interesting, how did you find it?

Actually, a user on here who is also my real life best friend recommended it to me. Also I would love to know what you’re interests are! Maybe we can discuss some of them?


Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

So how did you find notebook? I’m just really curious.

I found a link to it on pintrest, and thought it looked really interesting, how did you find it?

Actually, a user on here who is also my real life best friend recommended it to me. Also I would love to know what you’re interests are! Maybe we can discuss some of them?

Sure! I like to sing, I'm in the choir, I do a lot of sports, lacrosse, soccer… and I've also been into stuff a little over my head, what interest you?

Deleted user

My guinea pig, Algernon, passed away recently, so I made my user and pfp match in mourning.

Algernon? Where'd you get the name?

He was an albino.

Deleted user

Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

So how did you find notebook? I’m just really curious.

I found a link to it on pintrest, and thought it looked really interesting, how did you find it?

Actually, a user on here who is also my real life best friend recommended it to me. Also I would love to know what you’re interests are! Maybe we can discuss some of them?

Sure! I like to sing, I'm in the choir, I do a lot of sports, lacrosse, soccer… and I've also been into stuff a little over my head, what interest you?

I’m in the band and I play the Clarinet and I’m switching to the Oboe soon! I really like video games, anime, and manga… and I’m not a big fan of physical activities but it’s nice to see that someone enjoys stuff like that! Did you come to the website for like roleplaying? If that’s the case I could help you out with that!


Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

So how did you find notebook? I’m just really curious.

I found a link to it on pintrest, and thought it looked really interesting, how did you find it?

Actually, a user on here who is also my real life best friend recommended it to me. Also I would love to know what you’re interests are! Maybe we can discuss some of them?

Sure! I like to sing, I'm in the choir, I do a lot of sports, lacrosse, soccer… and I've also been into stuff a little over my head, what interest you?

I’m in the band and I play the Clarinet and I’m switching to the Oboe soon! I really like video games, anime, and manga… and I’m not a big fan of physical activities but it’s nice to see that someone enjoys stuff like that! Did you come to the website for like roleplaying? If that’s the case I could help you out with that!

i like roleplaying!

Deleted user

Hello, i'm Llewellyn, i'm a realistic fiction writer, and it's great to meet all of you!

It’s great to meet you as well Llewellyn! You have such a pretty name!

Thank you!

So how did you find notebook? I’m just really curious.

I found a link to it on pintrest, and thought it looked really interesting, how did you find it?

Actually, a user on here who is also my real life best friend recommended it to me. Also I would love to know what you’re interests are! Maybe we can discuss some of them?

Sure! I like to sing, I'm in the choir, I do a lot of sports, lacrosse, soccer… and I've also been into stuff a little over my head, what interest you?

I’m in the band and I play the Clarinet and I’m switching to the Oboe soon! I really like video games, anime, and manga… and I’m not a big fan of physical activities but it’s nice to see that someone enjoys stuff like that! Did you come to the website for like roleplaying? If that’s the case I could help you out with that!

i like roleplaying!

Would you like me to start an rp for us? I could show you some tricks to notebook that I learned, and we can invite someone if you would like. Would a one on one be alright for you?

Deleted user

Okay! I’ll put it in limited and (@) you. If it doesn’t appear on your notifications tell me here and I’ll send a link.

Deleted user

I created it! It’s under limited and should just be called private one on one, you’ll see my (@) with it.

Deleted user

Here’s the link.

Join when you’re ready Llewenllyn

Deleted user

Here’s the link.

Join when you’re ready Llewenllyn


@Loki (Really love the name Lexi, by the way).
Well, next time you see him, could you give him a big hug from me? He really needs one in my opinion. I'm still mad at Thor: Ragnarok for wasting a perfectly good chance to not show us the hug we all wanted.


Okay I will give him a hug for you. I know he needed the hug during Thor: Ragnarok but I wasn't there at the time I was on midgard planning a funnel for Odin. and I wanted to get to know the mortals more and learn what a TV was it is fascinating.


What in Odin's name are you doing on here Thor find some place else to crash the party. You do not need a hug Thor get out of here.