forum In Which We Complain About Our Siblings
Started by @TeamMezzo group

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My brother asks about my characters and stories sometimes, and then either questions or sometimes criticizes why they are the way they are (like if someone one is depressed or violent or GAY, or why my most recent story has a bunch of murder in it).
I try to explain but he just doesn't get it, and he refuses to take "they just are" as a 'valid reason'.

Also, a couple minutes ago, he apparently thought back to a conversation we had a while ago and doesn't even remember what it was about, but he just went "meh meh meh", mocking something I had said during the convo….like…?

Yeah…my younger siblings are ok but I can't tell my older brother cause he's kinda like that…just gives me this weird look.


Yeah same. My brother thought Gods of Brooklyn was about misery and I was like ???

try explaining something about a character when you're talking about a part halfway through the story…it's like, "don't ask…long story short this is why they said/did that".

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Yeah but then that leads to more questions, and I don't know about you, but my brothers wants details. He's usually gotta know everything about the thing to understand the thing.


Yeah but then that leads to more questions, and I don't know about you, but my brothers wants details. He's usually gotta know everything about the thing to understand the thing.

that's Ryan.


sommer teases me incessantly about…
drumroll, please
my crush


go piss yourself

theo dore


sommer teases me incessantly about…
drumroll, please
my crush


go piss yourself

theo dore

you can go piss yourself too

frick u


That's why you don't tell your siblings these things, If it gets out to the wrong one, then all of them will know.


ok so, i know i have slight anger issues. if i get too annoyed i'll lash out and hurt someone. my little brother knows this
he even said "you hurt me when you get annoyed" today
and what did he do? he purposely annoyed me, even though i had asked him to stop nicely for a good hour
and now i'm mostly just worried that he's gonna piss off the wrong person one day, because we're not that far from the city, where all the gangs are, so like,,,, i worry

@Pickles group

My sister convinced me to put a sugar packet in my water at Olive Garden and they just refill your glass when you need more so I'm forced to deal with my decision for the rest of the night


When you have any PDA with a girl. "Youuuuu liiike herrrrr!!!!"

My older brother can confirm this is 100% accurate
And I totally wasn’t the sibling that kept joking about shipping him with a girl because he danced with her once