forum Im bored and tired, lets chat!
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Deleted user

Last time I mentioned my OTP, we talked about writing characters, local memes and such…
Yeah, Im gonna talk about that (SPOILERS if you haven´t watched Hellboy 2, good movie, really recomend it, better than the reboot, firts one may give some context for the second one)
Man… I would normally would complain that they fell in love too quickly but, to be fair, both of them can see each other´s life just by holding hands, if you know someone that much just by doing that, it sorts of justifies it… And everything felt like it was their first crush, which was freaking cute!
SPOILERS I wish she didn´t kill herself, I know if she died they could have stoped her brother but by that logic, she could just hit herself in the head or something, they could lock her brother where he couldn´t scape and she could live happily ever after with her fishy, or stab herself in another place that didn´t kill her…
Just… (if you watched the movie you´ll get it) they where perfect for each other, and that line, man, THAT LINE "I would die and do the dishes" THAT´S THE REASON ABE HAS SO MANY FANGIRLS that and the brains, and the looks, seriously, I though fishmen where supposed to be ugly but this one, THIS ONE, dang son, I know it sounds weird but he´s cute, and dont get me started in how GORGEOUS Nuala is.

Deleted user

And I just realized I spend to much time writing something and forgot to look at what other people where saying… sorry

Deleted user

Hey. I got elder scrolls Oblivion. Guess I'm going to waste the day.

A classic, to be fair, that´s a good way to waste the day

Deleted user

Waddup I am a tad frustrated because I'm making an alblum and I want to sing out a new song but my parents are in the house and I can't…

That sucks… Im sure the album would be good!