forum Im bored and tired, lets chat!
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Deleted user

Here we have Kevin and Brayan (or everyone with an american name) there´s this joke that says everyone with that name will stab you or rob you if not both, basically, those names are a meme

Deleted user

Well I already shrug it off and Im working on a little Gif, so yeah…

Deleted user

Wow, and darn. I have an American name.

It only applies if the one with that name is not american, weird stuff (the joke was born in Mexico if that gives some context)

Deleted user

I think it has to do with this school in Mexico that is famous because most of the girls got pregnant by that one kid who´s into some weird stuff and acording to the stereotype that guy is into gangs, is probably mentally unstable and his name is Kevin or Brayan (as another joke, the girl is normally called Kimberly or Brittany)

Deleted user

This one are a mix between a popular mean girl and the stupid kid who probably does drugs

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We got a Stephanie here, but she´s the badass of our class

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And there´s me who has a name that everyone has trouble pronouncing (not comfortable sharing it) and this other girl who is named like a neighborhood

Deleted user

My dad literally fused his two last names and people write them separated (is having two last names normal? it´s a normal thing here in El Salvador)

Deleted user

Everyone I know from my country has two last names

Deleted user

Hey, so… I got nothing else to do at the moment…


Waddup I am a tad frustrated because I'm making an alblum and I want to sing out a new song but my parents are in the house and I can't…