forum Im bored and tired, lets chat!
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Deleted user

Dont know, just… talk, I guess, It´s been a stressful week for me and Im writing this before going to sleep… we can talk about… fandoms, stuff we write, hobbies, paranormal crap, life in general, I dont know… (and by paranormal crap and fandoms I just though about certain couple that involves a fishman and an elven princess that is definitely my OTP) and you can of course ask for help with anything, we all deal with stuff so why not try to find help with a bunch of weirdos (hope that dosn´t sound rude, that´s just my weird sense of humor…)

Deleted user

Just waking up and seeing this… I LOVE IT

Deleted user

Since Im bad at starting conversations… ABE SAPIEN AND PRINCESS NUALA DESERVED A HAPPY ENDING (since the Hellboy reboot was bad I decided to watch the original movies again and I still cant get over those two…)

Deleted user

Yeah, what a shame we didn't get Hellboy 3…

Deleted user

What do we talk about? (I already say something about my OTP but Im only talking about it if you guys want, I know it´s weird, epecially because he´s a fish, but nobody said that on The shape of water, and the same actor played both fish guys and both had the same director so…)


Fish are fabulous. we can talk about anything! Anyone up for a good old discussion about how they got into writing/characters?

Deleted user

Oh man… The way I write characters is a mess…

Deleted user

I go from beih inspired and writing everything as I go to making careful research about their last names and such

Deleted user

There was this one character that was inspired by a freaking hair accesory and other that was made specifically for a school asignement


How did I start with characters/writing/etc?

It all began in November of 2016…
My little self decided "Hey, I've never watched an anime before, maybe I should try it?" and got herself addicted to Fairy Tail. Shortly afterwards, she created an entire army of Mary Sue fan characters for it and became absolutely obsessed with each of them even though they all had the personality of a speck of dust.

Fast forward to last year, I had finally started drawing seriously, and was looking through my old art in an attempt to boost my confidence. Lo and behold, my Mary Sues in all their badly-drawn anime-styled glory stared back at me with massive, oversized eyeballs that barely fit in their own skulls. Since they meant so much to me back then, I figured it would be fun to turn them into something decent, create a webcomic with them, and make my smol self proud.

It's a lot harder than I thought…

Deleted user

I had this one who originally was a cinammon roll and now he is a total psyco


I had this one who originally was a cinammon roll and now he is a total psyco

There's a psycho in every batch of characters, hiding in the least likely place.

Deleted user

Im now trying to write something consistent for a comic and is a total mess so far

Deleted user

I had this one who originally was a cinammon roll and now he is a total psyco

There's a psycho in every batch of characters, hiding in the least likely place.

He already was a little bit of a pyromaniac at the beggining…