forum If your characters had a meme/inside joke, what would it be?
Started by @p3ncil

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"Hey dad…." Josie snickered. "Remember the macaroni incident?" She laughed when he looked at her with total horror in his gaze. He did NOT want to think about the Macaroni incident.


For my characters, one has the power of fire (but doesn't know for a bit). He is in love with this girl and she was forced into a marriage with his brother, and later he goes to retrieve the official marriage documents. He's alone in his room as he reads them over making sure everything is in order. Suddenly, the fire in his veins reacts to his strong emotion of sadness towards the marriage and the documents burst into flames. Just then the girl and her family walk into the room and he goes pale and he tells them what happened. The sister of the girl he loves rolls her eyes and is like "sure, it was an 'accident'" (because she knows he loves her lol) and so throughout moments of the story when he uses his fire, they always say something like "Did you mean to do that? Or was it another 'accident'?" and the guy groans and swears he didn't mean to burn the documents every time.


"I may or may not have killed all the gods…"
'how??? I was gone for three hours????"
"I missed you"


The younger of two siblings is taller (the older sister is actually one of the shortest people in her family, so her height is a recurring theme) and he insists he is "big brother." Typical exchange goes as follows:
"Listen to your big brother."
"You're not my big brother."
"I'm taller."
"I'm older."
"I'm bigger."
"I'm better."


My story takes place 28 years in an apocalyptic future, so it'd probably be something along the lines of "back in my day, we had something called the internet."


I have a pair of characters who sisters, one of which is a lesbian and the other is straight, so whenever they get in an argument they have of a habit of one saying "FIGHT ME HETERO" and the other says "FIGHT ME HOMO". so yeah. thought that was funny, i guess.


"Be careful, or you might get tossed from the roof of a building again."

"Your sister was trying to kill me!"


*snickering *
"remember that time you made my parents make out in public for two minutes straight?"
"Yeah, they had no idea why people were moving away from them ehehe"

-Ash and Winter


Idk I feel like they would quote vines all day xD

Like someone would scream and then someone else would just snicker and be like ".. I could've dropped my croissant!"

Or like random Youtube videos that were extremely popular at one point. For example,
"Just DO IT." (and I'd face palm in the background lol)
Or. "CAAAaaarrrrlll, that kills people!"

@HighPockets group

I feel like the two that get imprisoned together would have some inside jokes. One that comes to mind:
“Well, you can’t spell ‘surpreme’ without ‘meme’.”
“Remind me what your GPA was again?”


I have twin siblings who are exactly the same height- which frustrates the brother, since his sister is actually quite tall for a female but he's the shortest male. Whenever they stand side-by-side he likes to get on his tiptoes, but she wears high heels to annoy him.


Trenna hasn't ever been trained in combat like her two other buddies Asher and Javan, but she's got pretty good instincts and goes by street fighting rules. Her classic move is to pretend a guy she was fighting's hit knocked her out or SERIOUSLY injured her, and when they're off their guard she'll jump up again and either continue the fight or run away.

But Asher and Javan fall for it all the time at first and FREAK OUT LIKE:


"I'm preparing you two for my inevitable demise."


Allester and his colleague sat down in the break room, both of them sipping coffees. Allester had a sly grin on his face, and he would occasionally look back at the other man. The other man, Carter, looked over at him. "What is it?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow, while Allester just grinned at him. Almost instantly, a look of horror came over his face as he understood what Allester might have done.
"It would be a shame.."
"You didn't.."
"If someone replaced your lunch.."
"Allester Doran Eklof I swear.."
"With marshmallow pudding."

(Do I get bonus points for a short story, haha. I need to stop using Allester, sweet Cirrus)

@HighPockets group

Also I second CAAAaaarl, that kills people! But replacing Carl with Carrie, so
CAAAAaaaarieee, that KILLS people!”

A scene that my friend said would probably happen:
Lysander walks in. He sees the bloody corpse of a knight.
“Carrie! What did you do!” He yells, “Did you kill him?”
“No! No, no, no, no, no. Killing people is my least favorite thing to do!” She protests, “But I may or may not have stabbed him Caesar Style…”
“What does tha-“
“It means I stabbed forty-seven times. In a row.”
“CAAAAaaaarieee, that KILLS people!”
“Well, I didn’t know that!”
“Have you never heard of common se-oh God almighty, WHERE ARE HIS HANDS!?!?!”
“Well, you know I have a pet wolf…”
“And sometimes wolves get hungry for hands…”