forum If your characters had a meme/inside joke, what would it be?
Started by @p3ncil

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It will be really silent in the room, like an awkward silence, and Violet will just say"And you're just- a sad little head." (From Madagasgar)And everyone in her family will just double over laughing so hard.


Clara and Jonas don't talk about "that one time in Amsterdam". Both Juniper and Bailey have tried multiple times to get them to open up, to no avail. (They actually have a bet going as to who will find out first, and who can guess what happened.)

If any of the others (Juni, Bailey, Jonas) shout out "Lafayette!" then Clara will immediately drop whatever she's doing and begin to rap Guns and Ships, with Juni joining in as Washington.

A similar thing happens if Clara goes up to Jonas and says "Monsieur Hamilton!". He will respond with "Monsieur Lafayette!", and the two continue the song. When they get to the line "immigrants, we get the job done", they both have difficulty containing their laughter.

(From the musical Hamilton)

@HighPockets group

Also, three of my characters are nerds and so they’ve given each other nicknames. One is Hamlet, one is Horatio, and one is Ophelia. So things happen such as:
“You’re the oldest one! You text him, Horatio!” Teagan facepalms
“Ayy! Look who’s here! It’s the Fresh Prince of Denmaaaark!” Della glares at Teagan


"Hey Jack" Sam turned to her brother "Remember the dildo-""No." Jack replied sharply. he did not want to remember this. "And dad-""Sam please." Jack groaned, "Don't do this to me.""Screamed so loudly that-""Stop""Mrs. Panini-"Jack covered his ears, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

This happens very often.

Deleted user

  • So like my character Chris is sitting there watching TV and he asks Zoe to get the Doritos and shes like. "You know, back in my day, I had something called hands! Does jazz hands and walks away.
  • So Ariel is sitting on a bench and Chris walks up to her. "Hey, lonely what are you doing here?" "I have a name you know. Ariel." "Ariel like the mermaid?" " No the font."
  • My characters are sitting at a lunch table right. So Ashlynn is telling a story about a quest then it just goes dead silent. "And then it died." (This is an inside joke between my friends.)

Deleted user

Bryan and Robert bet over their sister, Ember's, love life. Bryan want's them to be more than friends and Robert doesn't trust Hunter, so he's for the friend zone.
They fight over who gets the money at the end of the day, especially Robert, who's loosing. Ember is just embarrassed that they're fighting over her almost non-existent social life. It's quite funny.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I have two characters and the girl is named Winter, and the other one is named Elias. They are best friends, and they like each other. In this one scene Elias is in a ship he doesn't know how to fly, and Winter is in the back trying not to die. It goes something like this:
ELias is in the cockpit: "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I'M A PILOT!!!
Winter trying not to puke: I swear on your life, if you don't straighten up and fly this ship like you know how to, I'm gonna kill you!
Elias with a smirk: Wait I know how to fly this thing? Last time I checked, I don't know how to fly a ship…
Winter (pulls out sword): That's it! You're dead!
Elias laughs: Remember the last time you pulled a sword out on me? You wanna repeat that?
Winter suddenly stops: I swear if you bring up that one time where I blew up a city again, so help me.
Elias threatens: You threw a temper tantrum! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You should have seen their faces! Oh wait, they're dead.
Winter: goes up in the cockpit and slaps Elias across the face.
Elias: stands up and lets the ship free fall, causing Winter to pass out. Then straightens the ship out, and tapes Winter into a chair.
Winter: wakes up, sees that she is taped into a chair, I SWEAR, NOT THIS AGAIN. I DIDN'T EVEN BLOW UP A CITY THIS TIME……


I have a character named Will who would just walk into a room and be like, "Depression amirite?" and would just leave before anyone can question him.


Definitely fruit bats. One of my characters is known as the really brave and kinda reckless one who will stand up to anything, but she's completely terrified of fruit bats. Not regular bats, just fruit bats. I have no idea why, they're adorable sky puppies (hence my url) and the other characters would bring it up all the time.

@HighPockets group

Nich yelling "Catch!" and then throwing something that shouldn't be thrown.
Jackson's car being only a little beat up, and Geneva thinking it's still unsafe (although her reason is justified)
Stephen's alleged shellfish allergy.
Huxley's newsie hat.
Jon's injury underreactions.
Kat and Frankie naming increasingly tragic and/or noncanon ships in their love duet.
CLAUDIO FORGETTING TO ANTIFREEZE THE CAR!! Which results in Frankie not having any coffee for the rest of the trip.
Barry using big words but at the wrong time to sound professional and it backfiring.
Joe's overdramaticness.
Connor insisting he's the latest pop sensation.
Geneva never lets Jackson forget that Martha potentially saved his life by plugging his bullet wound with a tampon and duct tape after Jackson teased her for being overprepared.
Nich being unable to aim accurately with his right arm.
Della's Hamlet obsession.


One of my guys has an unhealthy obsession with correcting people when they swear (he counts crap and heck as swear words). Which is unlucky considered two of the girls has an unhealthy obsession over swearing (their usual battlecry is "F*ck you, and you and you"). So the first time they fought together he screamed "LANGUAGE!" at them. They never let him forget that


"You're always messing things up!"
"Yeah? Like when?"
"The hunt, the raid, the ceremony, that OTHER ceremony-"
"That last one wasn't my fault! Finn made me trip!"


My Half-Dragon character has a limited amount of fire breath, and whenever he and his friend spar and he runs out, the friend always comments on his "performance issues," to the point where the main character's father (a full dragon with unlimited fire breath) got in on it. This usually results in a smoke shot to the face from the MC's weapon.

Deleted user

There's this one gay meme lord and a straight couple. Every time the gay person walks in on them kissing, he says, "It's getting pretty… het up in here."

@HighPockets group

Some more since my computer was dying yesterday:
Ansel swearing and people looking at Jon to tell him to watch his language but Jon ignores it.
"That was one time!"
Brigdette's crush on Joe that everyone can see except for Joe.
Nich being a sailor but not knowing how to swim at first.
Huxley being 2nd in command but the 'acceptable target' to everyone he works with.
"I'm a medic, I can do this!"
"You wanna go, Lowe?" "Come at me, Minh!"
Stephen mispronouncing or forgetting people's names.
Nell, who is super quiet and shy, giving a lengthy explanation and then muttering 'or something like that.'

@HighPockets group

"You're like two feet tall, I'm not scared of you!"

"First off, I'm traumatized, not crazy. Just jot that down."

"E tu, Charlie?"

"I bet $50 one of us will end up in prison."

"Stop. Saying. Noice."