forum if you are reading this...
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 31 followers


Then you have to make sure your plan is a goo- I mean YES YOU'RE RIGHT. You shouldn't be making a plan in the first place, self.


To anyone who wants to kill themselves that is currently on this chat: i know for a fact that if you didn’t deep down want to live, you wouldn’t have said anything at all. You clearly have some desire to stay alive, or you wouldn’t be talking about it.

Also, I’m done with this. I am not your therapist and it is unfair for you to do this on here. He is a suicide hotline and the link to a prevention center’s website: tel:1-800-273-8255

Deleted user

”fate worse than death”
I don’t believe in religious superstition nonsense LOL

Deleted user

most of those “counselor’s“ have no idea what they’re doing. They come up with reasons that aren’t logical……… Mostly sentimental nonsense

Deleted user

this is under my chat so if someone wants to do that and I’m OK with it what can you say? Absolutely nothing

Deleted user

I know. It just really pissed me off when some random person decides to come up in here telling someone what they should or shouldn’t can or can’t do. it’s my chat and if I allow it they can say whatever