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Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

i was a bit scared at first because standing against the wall and couldn’t really move


Look, I was depressed in 8th grade. I was suicidal and I wanted to die, but no one would freaking let me. Every time I thought about, I thought about how people would react. I knew people would be sad. But my family? They would be so de estate, they’d never be the same. And what kind of a selfish little prick would I have to be to know that and kill myself anyway? Sometimes, it isn’t about whether or not you mean something. It’s about whether or not someone means something to you. I care about my family, and even though I had convinced myself they didn’t love me and that they’d really be sorry when I was gone, even when I wrote a suicide note in my diary for them to find, I knew that I loved them too much to do that to them. So I never could. Turns out, my family does love me, even when I’m an annoying piece of crap. Even when I’m a terrible person. And I love them, even when they’re annoying pieces of crap. Even when they’re terrible people.
My life isn’t about me. It’s about everyone around me. They are all experiencing me, too. So I can’t just off myself because I think life is too damn hard. No one ever promised comfort, or stability, or happiness. You have to take it, because no one is going to just hand it over.

Deleted user

The only reason I didn’t break free and run is because I knew they weren’t gonna do anything


But what if you are a selfish prick? Like sometimes I think about that but… I find I don't care - I'm too selfish to. I just want it over with and done…

Deleted user

and as for the commentor above, family doesn’t care but friends do

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

If you consider yourself to be selfish (which I also consider of myself sometimes), think creatively. Try to imagine–what if my attempt didn't work? What if I was left in horrible pain or disabled for life? Or just imagine dying itself–what if it's not a peaceful escape from reality? What if those who die by their own hand are….idk, condemned to a fate worse than death? Either way it's probably not gonna be what you hope for.


If you consider yourself to be selfish (which I also consider of myself sometimes), think creatively. Try to imagine–what if my attempt didn't work? What if I was left in horrible pain or disabled for life? Or just imagine dying itself–what if it's not a peaceful escape from reality? What if those who die by their own hand are….idk, condemned to a fate worse than death? Either way it's probably not gonna be what you hope for.

I mean, I also didn’t know how to kill myself fast and painless and stay dead, so I didn’t try