forum I want to hold onto this feeling..
Started by @basil_

people_alt 7 followers


aaaaand here's where the Amity in me decides to make an appearance. it says: we're all special; there's no need to fight


Idk if we're still doing the happy thing but yes amazingnesssssssssss

So. There's this dude. And he's, like, super cool. (keep in mind I'm trash and nerdy and fkekkff anyway) and he's just amazing. He's so nice. And funny. And talented. I've only had an actual conversation with him three times but those three time I couldn't breathe. Which was hard because two of those were dances. Anyway, anytime I think of him I'm suddenly happy even though I know nothing's gonna happen cuz he's cool and I'm an oof but i don't really care I love this feeling

oof I forgot the description.


Soooooo, he has a darker skin tone. His hair is this rich, silky brown that makes you want to run your hand through it just to see if it feels how it looks. His eyes match his hair, only difference: there's this light in them. Almost as if he spent half of his life trying to capture the brightest star to keep in his eyes. And when he smiles- gosh don't even get me started- it lights up his entire face, the star growing brighter. And in the moment he smiles while he's holding one hand, the other hand on your waist, every star seems to collide in the most amazing way, a light show one couldn't even begin to imagine. A shiver runs up your spine bringing warm butterflies back down, your stomach gets twisted up in knots, you can't think, you can't breathe- it's just this one big moment where your heart stops to hear his beat softly. And goodness gracious, is that moment worth all the pain in the world.

Anywayyyy yeah I'm smiling so wide right now.


I mean, I like him. Like, a whole lot. But I know for a fact he doesn't like me. Just dkwokfkdoakcjdjsjcnejdnfieos I tend think about his smile instead of my actual chances.


Kcoakcjskskfd the thing is, it's like obvious he doesn't. He forgot my name. And was kind of forced to dance with me. I mean, he said he would just bc he's nice and all. Anyway, I know I'll be fine if he doesn't remember my name because I remember his and that's all I need right now


No he's very. Not awkward. Like, he's a cool nice kid who can do small talk and doesn't make the silence pai ful during a slow dance and that my friend is why is everyone is falling for him. I promise you guys, he doesn't. At all. He makes no attempt to get near me. And it's obvious he likes another girl who's really nice (and seems chill) but ya know. His eyes. His smile. They're enough

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

aaaaand here's where the Amity in me decides to make an appearance. it says: we're all special; there's no need to fight


Yeah I'm probably Amity too.


aaaaand here's where the Amity in me decides to make an appearance. it says: we're all special; there's no need to fight


Yeah I'm probably Amity too.

im like abnegation/amity/dauntless mix


aaaaand here's where the Amity in me decides to make an appearance. it says: we're all special; there's no need to fight


Yeah I'm probably Amity too.

im like abnegation/amity/dauntless mix