forum I want to hold onto this feeling..
Started by @basil_

people_alt 7 followers


So I never feel like this (NEVER)
I'm just really happy and giggly and enjoying life..
so just share like, cute stories or like, good emotions or something..
positive stuff!!


A week ago me and a bunch of friends were outside on the field at lunch break. It was the middle of winter and freezing, so all the girls were huddling together for warmth. The guys were being annoying and scared of physical contact, so we started aggressively hugging and platonically cuddling. It was very warm and fuzzy

Eventually, the guys began to randomly T-pose in a circle around us (???????????), chanting ominously, so my friend left the huddle to hug-tackle her boyfriend (one of the t-posers) right beneath his t-posing arms, which surprised him so much that he put his arms down and hugged her back. We all "awwwwwww"ed and eventually he joined the huddle. We slowly turned over all six boys to the good side and we ended lunch break very warm and uwu from platonic cuddling

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That's so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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it was very uwu


my crush may or may not have been squished in right next to me



I know this girl who is kind of mean to a lot of people and she has a crush on my boyfriend and this is kinda mean but ha ahahahhaha I got him.
(boyfriend of the last couple days, the source of my current happiness)

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the only time my face goes red is when it's cold and/or probably when I'm presenting.

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I'm gonna be single forever, woooo

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I know I'm going to be single forever~
Proud ass aro-ace herre