forum I wanna get to know all of y'all
Started by @soupnana group

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PENDRAGONNNNNN!!! I forgot about that! It's been so long!!!

You've read those?! I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!!


@Becfromthedead group

No, my best friend introduced me to them in middle school! Do you want to make a chat under the books section about it? It's been a while, so I don't remember much, but we can still talk some about it if you want.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love good books. I have a thing for Broadway. I like swords. I write mainly fantasy. I am a crazy extrovert Chrisytian homeschooler who doesn't care what anyone thinks, and I love a good debate.

Nice to meet you!

  1. Ayyyy me too Althalosian! You can never go wrong with a good book… but if you did… it wouldn't be a good book would it? lol.
  2. My sister loves theater and she was always in the school plays. So now I also love broadway. Ha ha.
  3. Do you know how to sword fight or joust? I have always wanted to do either one.
  4. Way to go to not care what others think! Confidence is super useful in life, I just wish I had a smidge of it… ha ha.

1 You go into the classics at all?
2 Deh, Into the Woods, Les freaking Miz, I might get into Hamilton.
3 I took fencing for three years or so.
4 Fake it till you make it.

  1. No. I usually stick to fantasy, but I have read a few.
  2. I LOVE LES MIZ! My brother was in the school play for it and it was so good! I really REALLY want to see it on broadway.
  3. Lucky! That sounds so cool. And I just realized I used the word "joust" instead of "fence." Oh lawdy I need to lay off the old timey medieval tv shows. XD
  4. Mood.

1 Have you read Tolkien. Because if you love him I am willing to accept suggestions for good fantasy books.
2 I read the book and now it's my favorite. One of my dreams is to be Javert.
3 Hey! If they're really good, shoot me some recommendations.
4 It works for me. After a conversation with Eris I realized that I somehow gained confidence by faking it.

Deleted user

No, my best friend introduced me to them in middle school! Do you want to make a chat under the books section about it? It's been a while, so I don't remember much, but we can still talk some about it if you want.

I actually made one awhile ago… no one really answered to my memory which is why I thought I was the only one…. you made my day!! (Also I need sleep so imma be back in 7-8 hours or so… I'm saying that only cuz I know when I have to be up…)


Yo! AFT here. Let's see I'm an extremely weird girl and I'm in a bunch of fandoms (hence my username). Uhh I like writing, playing my uke, reading. There's more stuff but I 'm too tired to remember any of it. My fandoms include: HP, PJO, Inheritance Cycle, Lunar Chronicles, Divergent, (Any good LGBT book) and John Green's books. Also Voltron, She Ra, Dragon Prince, Doctor Who, Sherlock. There's definitely more but as I said, I'm too tired to brian

@soupnana group

Hey! So I'm Rebecca (everyone here calls me Bec), and I'm a very tired college student. My intended major at the moment is chemistry, but that's subject to change (I may switch to Public Health). I'm trying to become a doctor somewhere down the line, partially because I want to help people, but in a tangible way, and I want to be able to say that I left some sort of positive impact behind.
My hobbies: Writing (of course), drawing, piano, knitting, playing video games
Main fandoms: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, PJO (back in the day, at least, still like the original series…), and there are probably others, but idk

Hey Bec! Nice to meet/get to know you. (We sorta have met, but not really. XD)

  1. Good luck with college. My brother is at college and it wears him down. Ha ha.
  2. So cool that you want to become a doctor! So great of you to want to help people.
  3. Favorite video games?
  4. Harry Potter! Ayyyy! Reading it for the…. idk. I have read it a lot of times and I am reading it again.

@soupnana group

Hey! So I'm Rebecca (everyone here calls me Bec), and I'm a very tired college student. My intended major at the moment is chemistry, but that's subject to change (I may switch to Public Health). I'm trying to become a doctor somewhere down the line, partially because I want to help people, but in a tangible way, and I want to be able to say that I left some sort of positive impact behind.
My hobbies: Writing (of course), drawing, piano, knitting, playing video games
Main fandoms: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, PJO (back in the day, at least, still like the original series…), and there are probably others, but idk

Yay another HP, PJO, And Animal crossing fan!!! (I reccomend lunar chronicles, Pendragon, and Unwanteds!!!)

Lunar Chronicles, YES! Unwanteds!!! I thought I was the only one who has read those! Still waiting to read the second book of the second half of the series. Ugh… I have been waiting for a year!!! The struggle is real….

@Becfromthedead group

Okay, so my favorite video game is definitely Fire Emblem. I also like Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, and Smash. Then recently, I've been playing Stardew Valley, L.A. Noire, and Skyrim. I really want to play Persona 5, but alas, I do not have a Playstation.

Deleted user

Hey! So I'm Rebecca (everyone here calls me Bec), and I'm a very tired college student. My intended major at the moment is chemistry, but that's subject to change (I may switch to Public Health). I'm trying to become a doctor somewhere down the line, partially because I want to help people, but in a tangible way, and I want to be able to say that I left some sort of positive impact behind.
My hobbies: Writing (of course), drawing, piano, knitting, playing video games
Main fandoms: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, PJO (back in the day, at least, still like the original series…), and there are probably others, but idk

Yay another HP, PJO, And Animal crossing fan!!! (I reccomend lunar chronicles, Pendragon, and Unwanteds!!!)

Lunar Chronicles, YES! Unwanteds!!! I thought I was the only one who has read those! Still waiting to read the second book of the second half of the series. Ugh… I have been waiting for a year!!! The struggle is real….

I should be asleep rn but idc…
The second book of the first half of the series is out.. it's called Unwanteds Quests Dragon Bones… the next one is supposed to be dragon ghosts…

@soupnana group

I love good books. I have a thing for Broadway. I like swords. I write mainly fantasy. I am a crazy extrovert Chrisytian homeschooler who doesn't care what anyone thinks, and I love a good debate.

Nice to meet you!

  1. Ayyyy me too Althalosian! You can never go wrong with a good book… but if you did… it wouldn't be a good book would it? lol.
  2. My sister loves theater and she was always in the school plays. So now I also love broadway. Ha ha.
  3. Do you know how to sword fight or joust? I have always wanted to do either one.
  4. Way to go to not care what others think! Confidence is super useful in life, I just wish I had a smidge of it… ha ha.

1 You go into the classics at all?
2 Deh, Into the Woods, Les freaking Miz, I might get into Hamilton.
3 I took fencing for three years or so.
4 Fake it till you make it.

  1. No. I usually stick to fantasy, but I have read a few.
  2. I LOVE LES MIZ! My brother was in the school play for it and it was so good! I really REALLY want to see it on broadway.
  3. Lucky! That sounds so cool. And I just realized I used the word "joust" instead of "fence." Oh lawdy I need to lay off the old timey medieval tv shows. XD
  4. Mood.

1 Have you read Tolkien. Because if you love him I am willing to accept suggestions for good fantasy books.
2 I read the book and now it's my favorite. One of my dreams is to be Javert.
3 Hey! If they're really good, shoot me some recommendations.
4 It works for me. After a conversation with Eris I realized that I somehow gained confidence by faking it.

  1. No, but I really want to! The Hobbit is on my list for books to read. Ha ha.
  2. yesss! School play version, a kid I kinda know was him and he said the role was SOOO much fun. I understand why.
  3. Mainly just a pretty old series on Netflix called Merlin. The CGI is pretty bad and some of it is cheesy, but other than that it is AMAZING. The humor is great, the acting is pretty great, and the story is THE GREATEST!!!
  4. Good tip.

Deleted user

@Soup_Nana_and_co. (and anyone else who wants to answer) What's your HP house, by the way? I'm a Slytherin.


@soupnana group

Yo! AFT here. Let's see I'm an extremely weird girl and I'm in a bunch of fandoms (hence my username). Uhh I like writing, playing my uke, reading. There's more stuff but I 'm too tired to remember any of it. My fandoms include: HP, PJO, Inheritance Cycle, Lunar Chronicles, Divergent, (Any good LGBT book) and John Green's books. Also Voltron, She Ra, Dragon Prince, Doctor Who, Sherlock. There's definitely more but as I said, I'm too tired to brian

AYYY! Another Lunartic!!! YAY!

  1. I have always wanted to learn the uke.
  2. Again, Lunar Chronicles. Greatest series ever.
  3. I love the Dragon Prince! It is so unique and I can't wait for season 2!

@soupnana group

Okay, so my favorite video game is definitely Fire Emblem. I also like Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda, and Smash. Then recently, I've been playing Stardew Valley, L.A. Noire, and Skyrim. I really want to play Persona 5, but alas, I do not have a Playstation.

I have heard of all the Nintendo games. I am kind of a Nintendo nerd. I literally played Smash Ultimate over the entire Christmas break. XD And I hear Skyrim is fun. I have always wanted to play it. And now I want to check out the other games you mentioned. They sound cool.

@soupnana group

@Soup_Nana_and_co. (and anyone else who wants to answer) What's your HP house, by the way? I'm a Slytherin.

Ah. Now this question I would normally answer Ravenclaw, but lately I have found I am basically every house BUT Gryffindor. I have taken the Pottermore quiz multiple times, and the result is constantly switching between Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Mostly Slytherin and Ravenclaw though. So I guess I am a Slytherclaw. lol.

@soupnana group

Hey! So I'm Rebecca (everyone here calls me Bec), and I'm a very tired college student. My intended major at the moment is chemistry, but that's subject to change (I may switch to Public Health). I'm trying to become a doctor somewhere down the line, partially because I want to help people, but in a tangible way, and I want to be able to say that I left some sort of positive impact behind.
My hobbies: Writing (of course), drawing, piano, knitting, playing video games
Main fandoms: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, PJO (back in the day, at least, still like the original series…), and there are probably others, but idk

Yay another HP, PJO, And Animal crossing fan!!! (I reccomend lunar chronicles, Pendragon, and Unwanteds!!!)

Lunar Chronicles, YES! Unwanteds!!! I thought I was the only one who has read those! Still waiting to read the second book of the second half of the series. Ugh… I have been waiting for a year!!! The struggle is real….

I should be asleep rn but idc…
The second book of the first half of the series is out.. it's called Unwanteds Quests Dragon Bones… the next one is supposed to be dragon ghosts…

  1. Get to sleep.
  2. Thanks! Now I can hunt it down once more. XD

@Becfromthedead group

All I have to say is they're all great, but L.A. Noire is not for the faint of heart… It's a detective game that takes place in the 40s, I think post WWII, and it's a wild ride… Also extremely graphic (like I would never play it around my parents even though I'm an adult and I do what I want), but I love it for the plot and all the problem-solving skills you have to apply.

@Becfromthedead group

@Soup_Nana_and_co. (and anyone else who wants to answer) What's your HP house, by the way? I'm a Slytherin.

Ah. Now this question I would normally answer Ravenclaw, but lately I have found I am basically every house BUT Gryffindor. I have taken the Pottermore quiz multiple times, and the result is constantly switching between Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Mostly Slytherin and Ravenclaw though. So I guess I am a Slytherclaw. lol.

Same, actually… but I always just say Slytherin because no one wants to hear me talk about how I'm tied between 3 houses and am a "Slytherclaw" except for like 2 people.

@soupnana group

All I have to say is they're all great, but L.A. Noire is not for the faint of heart… It's a detective game that takes place in the 40s, I think post WWII, and it's a wild ride… Also extremely graphic (like I would never play it around my parents even though I'm an adult and I do what I want), but I love it for the plot and all the problem-solving skills you have to apply.

Oooh! It sounds really interesting. And if when you say graphic, you mean violent, I can handle it. Gore doesn't affect me unless it is real. Well now I want to play it. XD I'll look it up. :)

@soupnana group

@Soup_Nana_and_co. (and anyone else who wants to answer) What's your HP house, by the way? I'm a Slytherin.

Ah. Now this question I would normally answer Ravenclaw, but lately I have found I am basically every house BUT Gryffindor. I have taken the Pottermore quiz multiple times, and the result is constantly switching between Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Mostly Slytherin and Ravenclaw though. So I guess I am a Slytherclaw. lol.

Same, actually… but I always just say Slytherin because no one wants to hear me talk about how I'm tied between 3 houses and am a "Slytherclaw" except for like 2 people.

Lol. Same. All my friends who are what I call, "Harry Potterly Challenged" don't really understand me when I go off talking about my patronus and all that jazz. It kinda dissapoints me because my friends who LOVE reading have never read the books. It hurts my heart too much…

@Becfromthedead group

Well… not just violent… It's more the nature of the violent crimes… I can play slightly gory games in front of my parents, but this one (at least the homicide cases) is out of the question. It's really good though. It's on Switch, PS4, and maybe other consoles?

@soupnana group

Well… not just violent… It's more the nature of the violent crimes… I can play slightly gory games in front of my parents, but this one (at least the homicide cases) is out of the question. It's really good though. It's on Switch, PS4, and maybe other consoles?

Ah. Got it. Well it sounds super fun and interesting. I'll look into it. Does it swear much?

@Becfromthedead group

Well… not just violent… It's more the nature of the violent crimes… I can play slightly gory games in front of my parents, but this one (at least the homicide cases) is out of the question. It's really good though. It's on Switch, PS4, and maybe other consoles?

Ah. Got it. Well it sounds super fun and interesting. I'll look into it. Does it swear much?

A lot… Honestly the language is terrible. Some of the worst I've seen in any game. I mean, it's M-Rated, so…

@soupnana group

Well… not just violent… It's more the nature of the violent crimes… I can play slightly gory games in front of my parents, but this one (at least the homicide cases) is out of the question. It's really good though. It's on Switch, PS4, and maybe other consoles?

Ah. Got it. Well it sounds super fun and interesting. I'll look into it. Does it swear much?

A lot… Honestly the language is terrible. Some of the worst I've seen in any game. I mean, it's M-Rated, so…

Yeah, I suspected as much. Maybe I will just watch play throughs on Youtube like I did with Detroit Become Human.