forum I wanna get to know all of y'all
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group

Hey everyone! So just realized I only know a small portion of this community, so I made this thread so I could hopefully get to know all of you better. I just wanna know what to call you, a few of your hobbies, and maybe something else interesting about yourself.

Deleted user

Arron! I draw a lot but I'm not that good. I seem like an extrovert but I don't have many friends.

@soupnana group

Arron! I draw a lot but I'm not that good. I seem like an extrovert but I don't have many friends.

  1. I bet you are amazing, and the more negative you are about your art, the less likely you are to improve. Be positive about it and it will make all the difference! Just a piece of friendly advice.
  2. Well now you have an extra friend. Me! :D


I am Ella NutElla The Ultimately Superior (Although you can call me NutElla The Ultimately Superior, or just Ella) I am a girl (she/her) and my hobbies include drawing, listening to music, covering songs (with a synthesizer because I can't sing), browsing memes off the internet, writing, painting, sitting around for hours while staring at a blank wall, and throwing positive things at people. Fun facts about me:
I hate mint
I also hate peanut butter
I met two of my great grandmothers
I have clear memories from when I was 2 years old
I learned to read at one and a half years old
I really really like salad, vegetables, tomatoes, and avocados
My WiFi turns off at 10:00, which is in one minute for me so I gotta go.

@soupnana group

I am Ella NutElla The Ultimately Superior (Although you can call me NutElla The Ultimately Superior, or just Ella) I am a girl (she/her) and my hobbies include drawing, listening to music, covering songs (with a synthesizer because I can't sing), browsing memes off the internet, writing, painting, sitting around for hours while staring at a blank wall, and throwing positive things at people. Fun facts about me:
I hate mint
I also hate peanut butter
I met two of my great grandmothers
I have clear memories from when I was 2 years old
I learned to read at one and a half years old
I really really like salad, vegetables, tomatoes, and avocados
My WiFi turns off at 10:00, which is in one minute for me so I gotta go.

Ella! I know we have previously met, but it's good to know more about you!

  1. I bet you can sing, but I can't judge that cause I never have actually heard you sing without said synthesizer. But I could tell that you have a pretty voice behind it! :)
  2. Memes! You are one of my kind!
  3. Whoa… you remember stuff from when you were 2? That is so cool! Earliest thing I remember was when I was five. Ha ha.
  4. You like salad and avocado!? ME TOO! I honestly crave salads all the time. They have to be fresh and good salads though. :P
  5. You are such an amazing artist!!!! That old profile pic you had of the girl with the glowing blue behind her? I thought that was a photo when I first saw it! You are soooo good at drawing!!
  6. Okie! Ttyl Ella!

Deleted user

Hi Starlight the crazy girl here!
So I happen to be a girl if anyone cares..
I love art (mostly doodles, abstract, & perspective.) and reading (mostly fantasy and adventures). I also really like roleplaying. I do wanna be a serious author some day, but right now I will stick to hating Rick troll Riordan and a few others….. I also do Cadets, have several crazy sisters and zero time and a bad knack for procrastination which is why I never get anything done…

@soupnana group

I love good books. I have a thing for Broadway. I like swords. I write mainly fantasy. I am a crazy extrovert Chrisytian homeschooler who doesn't care what anyone thinks, and I love a good debate.

Nice to meet you!

  1. Ayyyy me too Althalosian! You can never go wrong with a good book… but if you did… it wouldn't be a good book would it? lol.
  2. My sister loves theater and she was always in the school plays. So now I also love broadway. Ha ha.
  3. Do you know how to sword fight or joust? I have always wanted to do either one.
  4. Way to go to not care what others think! Confidence is super useful in life, I just wish I had a smidge of it… ha ha.

Deleted user

Stupid RR. So much wasted potential.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Stupid RR. So much wasted potential.


If you want we can talk about it on another chat.

Deleted user

Stupid RR. So much wasted potential.


If you want we can talk about it on another chat.

I'm done already…

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love good books. I have a thing for Broadway. I like swords. I write mainly fantasy. I am a crazy extrovert Chrisytian homeschooler who doesn't care what anyone thinks, and I love a good debate.

Nice to meet you!

  1. Ayyyy me too Althalosian! You can never go wrong with a good book… but if you did… it wouldn't be a good book would it? lol.
  2. My sister loves theater and she was always in the school plays. So now I also love broadway. Ha ha.
  3. Do you know how to sword fight or joust? I have always wanted to do either one.
  4. Way to go to not care what others think! Confidence is super useful in life, I just wish I had a smidge of it… ha ha.

1 You go into the classics at all?
2 Deh, Into the Woods, Les freaking Miz, I might get into Hamilton.
3 I took fencing for three years or so.
4 Fake it till you make it.

@soupnana group

Hi Starlight the crazy girl here!
So I happen to be a girl if anyone cares..
I love art (mostly doodles, abstract, & perspective.) and reading (mostly fantasy and adventures). I also really like roleplaying. I do wanna be a serious author some day, but right now I will stick to hating Rick troll Riordan and a few others….. I also do Cadets, have several crazy sisters and zero time and a bad knack for procrastination which is why I never get anything done…

Starlight! My fellow Lunartic!

  1. You write? I would love to read something you have written one of these days!
  2. I have only read 1 and a half books by Rick Riordan, so I can't say if I agree or disagree with you there. What do you not like about him?
  3. Cadets? Cool! I know a few people who also do Cadets. Props to you.
  4. Ayyyy! A fellow procrastinater!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Stupid RR. So much wasted potential.


If you want we can talk about it on another chat.

I'm done already…

If you insist. But as said earlier. I love a good debate.

Deleted user

Hi Starlight the crazy girl here!
So I happen to be a girl if anyone cares..
I love art (mostly doodles, abstract, & perspective.) and reading (mostly fantasy and adventures). I also really like roleplaying. I do wanna be a serious author some day, but right now I will stick to hating Rick troll Riordan and a few others….. I also do Cadets, have several crazy sisters and zero time and a bad knack for procrastination which is why I never get anything done…

Starlight! My fellow Lunartic!

  1. You write? I would love to read something you have written one of these days!
  2. I have only read 1 and a half books by Rick Riordan, so I can't say if I agree or disagree with you there. What do you not like about him?
  3. Cadets? Cool! I know a few people who also do Cadets. Props to you.
  4. Ayyyy! A fellow procrastinater!

I can link you my working document tommorow if you'd like! PM me a reminder tho…
Also I hate Rick Riordan because I live his characters so much and they cannot seem to have any peace…. my poor Piper… my poor Percabeth… (imma stop here cuz if I sag more I will spoil it…)

@soupnana group

I love good books. I have a thing for Broadway. I like swords. I write mainly fantasy. I am a crazy extrovert Chrisytian homeschooler who doesn't care what anyone thinks, and I love a good debate.

Nice to meet you!

  1. Ayyyy me too Althalosian! You can never go wrong with a good book… but if you did… it wouldn't be a good book would it? lol.
  2. My sister loves theater and she was always in the school plays. So now I also love broadway. Ha ha.
  3. Do you know how to sword fight or joust? I have always wanted to do either one.
  4. Way to go to not care what others think! Confidence is super useful in life, I just wish I had a smidge of it… ha ha.

1 You go into the classics at all?
2 Deh, Into the Woods, Les freaking Miz, I might get into Hamilton.
3 I took fencing for three years or so.
4 Fake it till you make it.

  1. No. I usually stick to fantasy, but I have read a few.
  2. I LOVE LES MIZ! My brother was in the school play for it and it was so good! I really REALLY want to see it on broadway.
  3. Lucky! That sounds so cool. And I just realized I used the word "joust" instead of "fence." Oh lawdy I need to lay off the old timey medieval tv shows. XD
  4. Mood.

@soupnana group

Hi Starlight the crazy girl here!
So I happen to be a girl if anyone cares..
I love art (mostly doodles, abstract, & perspective.) and reading (mostly fantasy and adventures). I also really like roleplaying. I do wanna be a serious author some day, but right now I will stick to hating Rick troll Riordan and a few others….. I also do Cadets, have several crazy sisters and zero time and a bad knack for procrastination which is why I never get anything done…

Starlight! My fellow Lunartic!

  1. You write? I would love to read something you have written one of these days!
  2. I have only read 1 and a half books by Rick Riordan, so I can't say if I agree or disagree with you there. What do you not like about him?
  3. Cadets? Cool! I know a few people who also do Cadets. Props to you.
  4. Ayyyy! A fellow procrastinater!

I can link you my working document tommorow if you'd like! PM me a reminder tho…
Also I hate Rick Riordan because I live his characters so much and they cannot seem to have any peace…. my poor Piper… my poor Percabeth… (imma stop here cuz if I sag more I will spoil it…)

That sounds awesome! I'll be sure to remind you.
And now you have made me want to read his books even more. I will as soon as I finish the books I am currently reading.

Deleted user

Hi Starlight the crazy girl here!
So I happen to be a girl if anyone cares..
I love art (mostly doodles, abstract, & perspective.) and reading (mostly fantasy and adventures). I also really like roleplaying. I do wanna be a serious author some day, but right now I will stick to hating Rick troll Riordan and a few others….. I also do Cadets, have several crazy sisters and zero time and a bad knack for procrastination which is why I never get anything done…

Starlight! My fellow Lunartic!

  1. You write? I would love to read something you have written one of these days!
  2. I have only read 1 and a half books by Rick Riordan, so I can't say if I agree or disagree with you there. What do you not like about him?
  3. Cadets? Cool! I know a few people who also do Cadets. Props to you.
  4. Ayyyy! A fellow procrastinater!

I can link you my working document tommorow if you'd like! PM me a reminder tho…
Also I hate Rick Riordan because I live his characters so much and they cannot seem to have any peace…. my poor Piper… my poor Percabeth… (imma stop here cuz if I sag more I will spoil it…)

That sounds awesome! I'll be sure to remind you.
And now you have made me want to read his books even more. I will as soon as I finish the books I am currently reading.

Sounds good! Also I thought most people on this site were writers… not just me…

@Becfromthedead group

Hey! So I'm Rebecca (everyone here calls me Bec), and I'm a very tired college student. My intended major at the moment is chemistry, but that's subject to change (I may switch to Public Health). I'm trying to become a doctor somewhere down the line, partially because I want to help people, but in a tangible way, and I want to be able to say that I left some sort of positive impact behind.
My hobbies: Writing (of course), drawing, piano, knitting, playing video games
Main fandoms: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, PJO (back in the day, at least, still like the original series…), and there are probably others, but idk

Deleted user

Hey! So I'm Rebecca (everyone here calls me Bec), and I'm a very tired college student. My intended major at the moment is chemistry, but that's subject to change (I may switch to Public Health). I'm trying to become a doctor somewhere down the line, partially because I want to help people, but in a tangible way, and I want to be able to say that I left some sort of positive impact behind.
My hobbies: Writing (of course), drawing, piano, knitting, playing video games
Main fandoms: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Harry Potter, PJO (back in the day, at least, still like the original series…), and there are probably others, but idk

Yay another HP, PJO, And Animal crossing fan!!! (I reccomend lunar chronicles, Pendragon, and Unwanteds!!!)

Deleted user

PENDRAGONNNNNN!!! I forgot about that! It's been so long!!!

You've read those?! I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!!