forum “I’ve Been Here Too Long” Club
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 62 followers

Deleted user

I remember when someone had a really big one in a test to see how long they could go, and it took up the entire “Currently Online” list lmfaooo

Deleted user

It was good stuff, that’s for sure. The drama used to be so much more juicy, albeit often.

Deleted user

I don't even want to acknowledge my past/first usernames.


Especially since it wasn't just Oh new user being a stupid butt

It was like actual members of the notebook community.

Glad the oftenness has died down a little bit.

Me thinks.

Deleted user

I don't even want to acknowledge my past/first usernames.


I know them ;;;)))

Deleted user

Man, remember Born Confuzzled?


one of my children are gone

Deleted user

I don't even want to acknowledge my past/first usernames.


Deleted user

Man, remember Born Confuzzled?

Eh. I didn't like em.

@Starfast group

I remember the biiiig username thing before the username restrictions were set.

Throwback to when people had usernames longer than some of their forum posts.