forum “I’ve Been Here Too Long” Club
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

idk i feel like we all need it


I’m Emi, president of this club. I’ve been in this site for two years, and I’ve seen a lot of drama, and been the main part of a lot of drama.

slow sigh

If you know me at all, I’ve been insinuating that I’ll “delete my account”, so now I made this.

Idk where the hell this will go, I’m just curious, with all of this new drama, if other people feel the same way.

Please do not join if you are a user who is under one year. Just… don’t.

Deleted user

Everyone but newbies are welcome, Lee. You are an OG, too.

Deleted user

Hello, hello. I might consider making this into a PM eventually, so we don’t get any worms of newbies. For now, I’ll stick with this.

Hey @ShadeStar! I barely see you around anymore lmao. It’s great to see you


Lol, great to see you too! I spend 100% of time in the roleplay section. General Chat has waaaaaay too much drama. And I prefer to observe than take part of it.

Deleted user

Honestly straight facts, dude. I feel that.

Hey Jynnie dear.

Deleted user

(So apparently, I've been here for a year now and woah)

Uh, love… Idk if you count.

Deleted user

Haha a few of you probably remember when I first joined.

it’s been

two years




Deleted user

(So apparently, I've been here for a year now and woah)

Uh, love… Idk if you count.

Yeah, it’s 12 months, which means it’s not quite over the one year mark.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(So apparently, I've been here for a year now and woah)

Uh, love… Idk if you count.

Yeah, it’s 12 months, which means it’s not quite over the one year mark.

I'll be back
please don't hate me

Deleted user

It’s alright, love, I don’t hate you lol.

Man, there has to be more of us.

Deleted user

I remember the biiiig username thing before the username restrictions were set.