forum I think I might leave?
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 54 followers

Deleted user

I just…the site isn't the same. I'm not the same.
I joined over two years ago, early 2018. I was 14, and I'm 17 now.
I just…I don't feel the same way anymore. Good people have come and gone and shitty people have been 'bullied' away.

Don't get me wrong: I love most of the people on here.
@Idiotic-Consulting-Detective, @Ikinss and @Icefire you are probably my favourite people on the site. Like, I love rping with you guys.

I suppose I'm just bored of the site. I'm older now and so many rps die. And the fact that very few of the people I rp with are in Australia makes it worse (cause of the time zone).

I initially thought: "Oh I could just stay for the character sheets that I've already done", but I don't even like those.

I'm going to think about it and make a decision. Maybe even do a wheel decide. I don't know.

Deleted user

It hasn't been long but I think I've made my decision.
So I guess this is Iron Soldier, signing off.

Deleted user

Um I'm back?
Idk I really liked the forum aspect of the site and decided that I miss it.
That's all I'm here for.

Probably won't RP for a while.
It would often take a lot of motivation to just reply to RPs even if I started it because…I guess I just couldn't be bothered?
That's why a lot of them would be left hanging for days - I had the tab open, I just had no motivation to reply.
And I felt really bad for doing it because I lot of the time I knew what I wanted to reply with I just couldn't be bothered to type it out.

I don't know if I'm going to stay for long again.
If anyone wants my personal contacts in case I decide to suddenly delete my account again, please just DM me.
I don't bite.