forum i'm sorry for existing…
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers


okay love
I am serious though
I'll be your friend and I will do my absolute best to never leave because I know that someone leaving you leaves you broken and a big mess and questioning life and depressed and all that jazz


can you breathe out all your air? then don't breathe back in right away. then take the biggest breath in you can. exhale. repeat


okay let me ask a better question
are you physically okay?
(sorry if this is a weird question I ask a lot of my friends this)


did you just start having a hard time breathing? like were you hyperventilating or was it just suddenly hard to breathe, like your airway was blocked?


let's see
you like music
what are your thoughts on broadway musicals
–also if I ever change the topic and you either don't want the topic changed or if you don't like the new topic just tell me and we'll either change back or to something new