forum i'm sorry for existing…
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers


Austin, my dear, you definitely belong! And anyone who says otherwise is lying.
I'm trying to think of ways to explain how I know you belong, but belonging is a very complex thing. This might sound lame, but I know in my heart that you belong. Why would anyone be anywhere they didn't belong?
You have friends and family who love you and care for you. You're pretty new to Notebook, but I know that as people here get to know you, you'll find you belong here too, and you'll never want to leave.


I know for a fact that all of the people here will love you once they meet you and you'll find some really great friends here. You do belong, Austin.


Austin, love?
That seriously sounds like you're about to kill yourself. Please do not. Please. Just. No please don't.

Deleted user

no of course not. Probably just going to continue shutting people out


Are you okay, Austin? You don't have to tell us what's wrong, but if you do, please know that we're listening


I'm not sure who you're shutting out, but you know, there are probably some people you shouldn't. I just met you like, yesterday, but I'd say a pretty solid list of important people in anyone's life is their family (biological, adopted, chosen, whatever your situation may be), and then your best friend, or your group of best friends.
but toxic people? shut them out. you don't need them


"Dear Evan Hansen Austin, ​
Today is going to be a good day
And here's why because today, today at least you're you.
And that's enough."


sorry for the delay in responding
that's probably just a habit. I tend to do that too. I just…. I have a lot of walls up, and I'm guessing you do too. It's hard, and it makes us feel isolated, even though it's an isolation of our own making. It just takes practice to let our walls down and let people in

Deleted user

as you've probably noticed by now I don't let anyone in for the most part


eh, it's been 24 hours
I don't let strangers know my deepest darkest secrets after only knowing them for 24 hours either lol

Deleted user

my Best friend is the only one that knows the event that happened four years ago