forum i'm sorry for existing…
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers


ooh junior year that's v fun
also mildly difficult if you're like me and overload your schedule with ap/ib classes
but fun lol


first of all you're musically talented- you sing and play several instruments
that may not be math/science smart but it sure as heck is musically/artistically smart


and fun fact
I'm terrible at math
hate it
failed the ap calc test lol (no college credit for me, tragic)
but like
just bc I'm bad at one thing doesn't mean I'm not good at other things
same goes for you

Deleted user

and speaking of college and stuff I'm not even attending LOL


I know how you feel.
Wanna be friends (yes I know that sounds like I'm 5, soRRY)?
then neither of us have to feel unwanted


people leave and people are trash
I know
but just because someone left you once (or twice or a dozen times) doesn't mean you don't deserve friends


I'm sorry you're hurting
it really really hurts when someone leaves
I know
I…. I don't feel comfortable sharing my Tragic Backstory atm lol
but I know dear
it hurts a lot


like… can't stay on notebook for long today?
or like…. you can't stay in a friendship?
or…. what do you mean