forum I'm bored let's bring back the notebook hunger games
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Night 2.

Callie tends to Hershey's wounds.

Mayonaise questions her sanity.

Dinkus fends Twinkus, Hen Solo, and Lili away from her fire.

Rin questions her sanity.

Mari attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Annabelle tends to her wounds.

Jade's trap kills Gracie.

Eowyn, Ruby, and Smiley start fighting, but Ruby runs away as Eowyn kills Smiley.

Clover tries to sing himself to sleep.


Day 3.

Mayonaise fishes.

Hen Solo sets an explosive off, killing Clover, Annabelle, and Ruby.

Dinkus tries to spear fish with a trident.

Rin, Hershey, Twinkus, and Mari raid Jade's camp while she is hunting.

Eowyn fishes.

Callie throws a knife into Lili's chest.


6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 8

District 12

District 8

District 6

District 7

District 11


Night 3.

Twinkus receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Mayonaise convinces Mari to snuggle with her. (aww)

Hen Solo sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Callie, Jade, Eowyn, and Dinkus tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

Rin defeats Hershey in a fight, but spares his life. (good baby)


Day 4.

Twinkus hunts for other tributes.

Mayonaise overhears Eowyn and Hershey talking in the distance.

Hen Solo discovers a river.

Jade tries to sleep through the entire day.

Callie fishes.

Rin is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Dinkus and Mari split up to search for resources.


Dom runs away from the Cornucopia.

Dom injures himself.

Owen destroys Dom's supplies while he is asleep.

…So I'm offended.

I diD aPoLoGiZe

@Pickles group

Dom runs away from the Cornucopia.

Dom injures himself.

Owen destroys Dom's supplies while he is asleep.

…So I'm offended.

At least you didn't drown at the very beginning


Night 4.

Hershey starts a fire.

Jade receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Eowyn, Hen Solo, and Callie cheerfully sing songs together.

Rin goes to sleep.

Mayonaise fends Twinkus, Mari, and Dinkus away from her fire.


legit if I was in the hunger games I'd just try to sleep through the whole thing and win by default


Day 5.

Mayonaise, Jade, Hershey, and Dinkus hunt for other tributes.

Mari chases Eowyn.

Callie dies from thirst.

Hen Solo tends to Twinkus's wounds.

Rin injures herself. (you hecking idiot why am i not surprised come here bb i'll make it better i love you so much my precious dumbass)


Night 5.

Hershey tries to sing himself to sleep.

Jade stays awake all night.

Mari cries herself to sleep. (aw-)

Rin and Dinkus huddle for warmth.

Eowyn is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth. (dummy)

Hen Solo looks at the night sky.

Twinkus receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Mayonaise cooks her food before putting her fire out.

Deleted user

Hershey tries to sing himself to sleep.

auhyjernhag ukyil4roopfi pe9rooai4iperi fpiajo[


The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Mari decides not to go to The Feast.

Twinkus decides not to go to The Feast.

Hershey decides not to go to The Feast.

Dinkus decides not to go to The Feast.

Rin decides not to go to The Feast.

Eowyn decides not to go to The Feast.

Mayonaise decides not to go to The Feast.

Hen Solo and Jade decide to work together to get more supplies.

(guess no one's hungry)