forum I'm bored let's bring back the notebook hunger games
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 10

District 1

District 4

District 12

(typical Lyra, always being dead)


Night 1.

Victor passes out from exhaustion.

Kam convinces Beckett to snuggle with her.

Derp tends to her wounds.

Alex sets an explosive off, killing Cordelia, Dinkus and Twinkus, and Mayonaise. (All three cats at once??? DDD:)

Holden accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Lia loses sight of where she is.

Amber, Honey, and Emma sing songs together to lift the others' spirits. No one liked it.

Nathaniel is awoken by nightmares.

Oleander tries to sing himself to sleep.

Matthias and 1302 hold hands.

Aquila goes to sleep.

Lux cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Sire thinks about home.


Day 2.

Honey is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Matthias and 1302 hunt for other tributes.

Aquila injures herself.

Emma injures herself.

Amber, Sire, and Alex start a war on the emus. They retreat.

Victor receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Lia decapitates Nathaniel with a sword.

Oleander, Derp, Kam, and Beckett hunt for other tributes.


6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 7

Dinkus and Twinkus
District 9

District 9

District 2

District 10

District 1


Night 2.

Kam receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Alex stays awake all night.

Victor loses sight of where he is.

Sire and Aquila track down and kill Lia.

Amber tries to sing herself to sleep.

1302 fends Oleander, Beckett, and Derp away from his fire.

Honey thinks about home.

Matthias questions his sanity.

Emma receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.


Day 3.

Alex and 1302 hunt for other tributes.

Emma discovers a river.

Victor sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Derp accidentally burns herself.

Matthias drops a knife on his toe. Ouch.

Sire, Kam, and Beckett hunt for other tributes.

Amber receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Oleander steals from Honey while she isn't looking.

Aquila receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.


Night 3.

Alex receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Kam passes out from exhaustion.

Derp passes out from exhaustion.

Emma convinces Matthias to snuggle with her.

Amber receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Victor, Aquila, 1302, and Oleander sleep in shifts.

Beckett starts a fire.

Honey quietly hums.

Sire tries to sing herself to sleep.


Day 4.

Aquila camouflauges herself in the bushes.

Victor is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Derp and Oleander hunt for other tributes.

Honey goes hunting.

1302's trap kills Beckett.

Matthias drops a knife on his toe. Ouch.

Alex turns Sire into a worm.

Amber gets caught in her own trap. Emma laughs but frees her.

Kam injures herself.


Night 4.

Sire quietly hums.

Emma destroys Kam's supplies while she is asleep.

Oleander screams for help.

1302 passes out from exhaustion.

Honey and Derp hold hands.

Victor loses sight of where he is.

Alex thinks about home.

Aquila starts a fire.

Matthias receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Amber passes out from exhaustion.


Day 5.

Kam discovers a river.

Oleander attacks Honey, but she manages to escape.

Aquila decapitates Amber with a sword.

Derp picks flowers.

Sire and Emma split up to search for resources.

1302 and Matthias split up to search for resources.

Victor receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Alex dies from an infection.


Night 5.

Sire looks at the night sky.

Aquila is awoken by nightmares.

Derp fends Kam, Honey, and Matthias away from her fire.

1302 and Emma work together to drown Oleander.

Victor starts a fire.


The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

1302 sets an explosive off, killing Derp, Honey, and Aquila. (my babiessss D:)

Emma decides not to go to The Feast.

Matthias sobs while gripping a photo of his friends and family.

Sire decides not to go to The Feast.

Kam bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Victor bleeds out due to untreated injuries.