forum I'm bored as hecc so ask me (and my characters) questions
Started by @Fraust

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Cas: Probably just roll with it. Free food, right?
Nathaniel: Eh… He would be a little wary, but still just roll with it
Scipio: Depending on how he's feeling, he might just not show up. If he's hungry, he might go for food
Lloyd: Would probably show up to be polite, but actually have zero interest in the date and probably stay mostly quiet


(Descriptions I guess lol)
Cas: "I'm funny and cool but if you insult me I'll cry"
Nathaniel: "I'm tiny but I'll fuck you up if you test me"
Scipio: "Peasants. You're all peasants."
Lloyd: "I can't believe I'm forced to deal with you insolent little shits every day"


ok so do your characters have a favorite trait about themselves? (it can be physical or something about their personality)


Cas: Ehhh he'd probably say humor
Lloyd: Intelligence
Nathaniel: Fighting capabilities
Scipio: Deception/cunning


Alrighty, I don't really have a plan for this?? I'll just say who they'd probably like (that I know of) lol
Cas: Mmmmm maybe Aladdin?? Idk he's a street rat too, so…
Lloyd: Probably some philosopher tbh
Nathaniel: I'd guess a powerful leader of some country in ye olden days
Scipio: Any serial killer who hasn't been caught. Respect.