forum I'm bored as hecc so ask me (and my characters) questions
Started by @Fraust

people_alt 47 followers


As for owo and uwu, I'm not an expert, but I can try… I think owo is like, a curiosity sorta thing?? And uwu is a sort of satisfaction or content? I think they're both generally positive but idk

@saor_illust school

Haha well thanks for trying. if you're bored, well let me try to come up with a question that will make you think lol

ooh i have one - is learning history of the us and whatnot important?


In my opinion, I think it's good to know some, but it's unnecessary to the extent we learn it. Like, there's no situation in my adult life where I'll need to know the names of all the generals in the civil war or something. Or precisely the years when things happen


I have four pets. Two dogs (Clover and Gracie) and two box turtles (Squirtle and Squishy). Hobbies would be drawing and being on here, probably. For some reason I've been wanting to draw hands recently. My favorite color is silver I think, although I don't think about which color is my favorite too often. I look best in dark red, so I guess I like that too


Not much different than life without. They're in a large Rubbermaid bin in my room and we give them berries to eat. It's chill


If you mean like, moral code stuff, then yeah. Cas refuses to abandon anyone since his mother abandoned him as a child, which also gives him severe separation anxiety. Scipio's moral code is a roulette wheel. Nathaniel is very protective of underdogs because he himself is a pissy 5'4 baby who will fight anyone, regardless of their size. Lloyd won't do anything against his morals and what he knows is right since he doesn't care about anyone else's opinions.


What are their pet peeves?

Cas hates people teasing him (particularly about his height), Nathaniel can't stand being lied to or generally mislead, Lloyd is bothered when people question his authority/intelligence, and Scipio gets pissy when he's mocked, belittled, or made to feel weak


In a battle between Lloyd and Nathaniel who wins?

Probably Nathaniel, despite Lloyd being taller and older. Nathaniel is very skilled with fighting, since he trained particularly hard to make up for his small stature. He also has a lot of experience picking fights, and although Lloyd is skilled as well and can be quite tricky to fight, he's more likely to try and find a passive way to solve problems. Nathaniel tends to be more aggressive


I don't think Nathaniel would necessarily win handily, if that makes sense. It would probably be a long and difficult battle

@saor_illust school

Sorry if this has been asked before, but why specifically does Lloyd lowkey hate everyone? And also, what are the general relationships between your characters? Like, how does one act around another and not around that character, projected personality and real personality, ect.


Lloyd doesn't like people because of a superiority complex and bad personal experiences. He low-key thinks he's better than others because of intellect and physical prowess, but he doesn't outwardly brag. He's only ever met humans personally in battles when they were trying to kill him and everyone he loves, and a human was what crippled Nathaniel.
Other than Lloyd and Nathaniel, my characters don't know each other. Theoretically, if they were all in a group:
Lloyd would probably be the voice of reason. He'd be the dad friend and generally seen as an uptight prick. Cas would be endearing and annoying to the others. He's very accident prone, and Nathaniel would probably end up being protective over him. Nathaniel would be the troublemaker. He picks fights with anyone and everyone and Lloyd is the only one keeping him from getting himself killed. Everyone would low-key be afraid of Scipio because he's just a bit creepy. He probably has a collection of knives in his room. I'll keep answering in a second


Again, theoretical for most
Lloyd and Nathaniel: Nathaniel teases Lloyd for being such a stickler. Lloyd doesn't care about this because arguing with Nathaniel is pointless. Lloyd is incredibly protective over Nathaniel

Lloyd and Cas: Mostly would coexist. Cas would get on Lloyd's nerves with his occasional lack of judgment and zero regard for his own safety, but they would mostly avoid each other

Lloyd and Scipio: There's a mutual respect there, knowing that both have killed many. Both legally, of course, but Scipio enjoying it far more. Scipio's apparent lack of morals unnerves Lloyd a bit, but he doesn't care enough to confront him about it.

Cas and Nathaniel: Like previously mentioned, Nathaniel would probably end up being protective over Cas. Their big personalities and humor mix well, and they'd get along quite swimmingly.

Cas and Scipio: Cas is terrified of Scipio, honestly, and Scipio loves it. To him, fear is respect, and seeing Cas squirm by just quietly counting down from ten or twirling a knife pleases him greatly.

Scipio and Nathaniel: Nathaniel is disgusted and unnerved by Scipio. He's harder to scare than Cas, which is frustrating to Scipio, but gruesome stories do make Nathaniel noticeably uneasy. Despite his love for picking fights, such twisted things aren't in the nature of an angel, so they make him queasy


Cas- Funny, excitable, and adorable, if not slightly angsty sometimes.
Nathaniel- Assertive and trying his best to be intimidating, but with a sense of humor. He needs some power
Lloyd- Cold, calculating, and highly intelligent. Seems emotionless and socially unaware
Scipio- Charming and helpful. He seems to like having control over situations, but seems outwardly normal

Cas- Depressed and terrified of being abandoned. He's sensitive and no longer cares what happens to him
Nathaniel- Precious insecure cinnamon roll baby. He needs to feel like he has some sort of power because people always underestimate him.
Lloyd- A n x i e t y. Oh god, he is constantly terrified. What's his public image? Do people think he's smart? Is he dumb?? Oh no, he feels dumb. Dwells on things way too long and uses a cold exterior so people won't talk to him. Reads dictionaries and textbooks to get more smart and to calm himself down when stressed
Scipio- Literally a psychopath. He's twisted and craves power and, believe it or not, attention. He's a huge attention whore and needs people to pay attention to him (when he's not literally murdering someone, that is). He's clever, manipulative, and knows how to not get caught