forum I'm bored as hecc so ask me (and my characters) questions
Started by @Fraust

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There aren't really any rules for what questions you can ask, but I personally won't answer anything like:
-Where do you live?
-What is your real/full name?
-Where do you go to school?
Other than that I think I'm good?

Characters (I might have more that I've forgotten but these are the main ones):
Cas: Tiny gay bitchy baby. Like cuddles and cats
Nathaniel: Smol angel with crushed wings. Angry and aggressive as fuck. Enjoys eating bagels plain and raw
Lloyd: Nathaniel's older brother. Voice of reason, huge nerd, low-key hates everyone. Also canonically dead
Scipio: Chaotic Neutral and pretty funny. Italian BastardTM


Me: Role-playing and drawing a lot
Cas: Climbing trees
Nathaniel: Picking fights
Lloyd: Reading
Scipio: Anything slightly illegal, tbh


They are in the same universe, technically, but only Nathaniel and Lloyd know each other since they're brothers. They're very close, or were, considering Lloyd died while protecting Nathaniel in battle


Cas loves puns and uses them whenever given the opportunity. Nathaniel can respect a good pun, Lloyd thinks they're ridiculous, and Scipio occasionally uses them to add insult to injury


Hecc I'm bad at theme songs so I'm not sure, but let's say what the song would be like I guess
Cas: Upbeat tune with depressing lyrics
Nathaniel: Probably just anime fight music or something idk. Or slightly edgy because survivors guilt
Lloyd: Eh, classical music. He's chill
Scipio: Something unnerving or something that sounds interesting but is actually creepy as hell. Like one of those songs with a spoopy message when you play it backwards


Since he's currently in America, he doesn't want to drink underage. Apparently murder is okay, but underage drinking is where he draws the line XD. He'd probably at least occasionally drink wine when he's of age, but he doesn't generally get addicted to things