forum I HAVE QUESTIONS (A place to ask your bizarre questions without having to create entire threads)
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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If you have any bizarre, out of the blue questions that you need someone to answer, just ask them here.

I have three of them:

1: Who the heck is Brendon Urie, why do I keep hearing about him, why does his name give me serial killer vibes
2: Is there a difference between Aro and Ace
3: Are my excessive amounts of compliments starting to sound annoying? Like, I'm still going to compliment everyone but I don't want to sound like that one person who's like "People with depression just need to learn to be happier" because I'm fully aware that it's a mental issue and no happy songs can cure it

…That is all

(I know I could Google some of these things but with the internet, you never know what weird, creepy results you're going to end up with and I personally don't want that stuff in my search history that can be easily viewed by my parents, thank you)

Deleted user

1: Who the heck is Brendon Urie, why do I keep hearing about him, why does his name give me serial killer vibes
Brendon Urie is the singer in the band Panic! At The Disco
2: Is there a difference between Aro and Ace
Yes, aro means aromantic and no attraction romantic wise. Ace is the same thing but for sexual attraction.
3: Are my excessive amounts of compliments starting to sound annoying? Like, I'm still going to compliment everyone but I don't want to sound like that one person who's like "People with depression just need to learn to be happier" because I'm fully aware that it's a mental issue and no happy songs can cure it
No, your songs are nice.

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Cookies and ice cream are the best anxiety treatment. Cake too! Lots and lots of cake

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Make one long-ish book where the people die at the end or two shorter books with death at the end of the second one?

@HighPockets group

Make one long-ish book where the people die at the end or two shorter books with death at the end of the second one?

Yep I'm struggling with this as well. I'm only going to do 1 book for mine, but it's up to you.

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To this day, no one can tell me why that guy’s name gives me serial killer vibes

I dunno…

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Am I the only one who feels so emotionally attached to my characters like they're family?


Am I the only one who feels so emotionally attached to my characters like they're family?

No, you're definitely not alone… sobs as I realize I have to kill Lyra


Okay, real question here: How the Panke-ki did I end up on a subreddit dedicated to bread stapled to trees? I don't have Reddit, I don't staple bread to trees as a hobby, there's nothing interesting here, what the GOOD CHRISTIAN SERVER even is this

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Can a dog leash be used as a noose?

Depends. Why are you asking?

I'm working on a murder that starts to spur my plot into motion.



Can a dog leash be used as a noose?

Depends. Why are you asking?

I'm working on a murder that starts to spur my plot into motion.

I looked it up, it can technically work