forum I HAVE QUESTIONS (A place to ask your bizarre questions without having to create entire threads)
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Why Does NutElla look like my cousin who is also named Ella?

Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNNNN (I don't know)

Chances are you arent because my cousin is like…. ten i think and in a horrible home situation… but damn.


Why Does NutElla look like my cousin who is also named Ella?

Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNNNN (I don't know)

Chances are you arent because my cousin is like…. ten I think and in a horrible home situation… but damn.

Unless you perform on stage, have children or are a serious Kpop fan, I doubt you're one of my cousins. And even then I'm 13 and my home is in a good situation

Deleted user

Why Does NutElla look like my cousin who is also named Ella?

Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNNNN (I don't know)

Chances are you arent because my cousin is like…. ten I think and in a horrible home situation… but damn.

Unless you perform on stage, have children or are a serious Kpop fan, I doubt you're one of my cousins. And even then I'm 13 and my home is in a good situation

Mood. Yeah nah. I dont even know my cousin.


Okay, and here's the realest of real questions: Why…

Why is this a thing and why am I still laughing at it five minutes later? Like just imagine going to a store and seeing those weird sequin pillows, only to rub them and see the Nicolas Cage Mona Lisa staring at you with big, creepy eyes as you back away slowly into another aisle to escape the nightmare you just witnessed?


Whooooo wants to helpeth me with my AHG assignment? I have to do research and make a presentation about the US ARMY… For 7-year-olds. 7-YEAR-OLDS.

…Do I really need this badge?