forum I hate myself club! (Name credit to Miboi)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

Just do this:
Ask yourself,
Is character more likely to start a conversation or stay alone?
Does character go off of own morals alone?
Will the character think of the feelings of others before trying to act?
Does your character like having open options?

1: If yes E. If no, I
2: If yes, N. If no, S
3: If yes, F. If no, T.
4: If yes, P. If no, J.
Smash you results together into a four-letter combo, Ex. Infp, Infj, Estj…
Look for your new combo and read on it and see if it fits!

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Wow that’s way better than what I was doing. I just did that loooooooong quiz in the mindset of my OC’s

Deleted user

Wow that’s way better than what I was doing. I just did that loooooooong quiz in the mindset of my OC’s

I did that too and it didn't help, especiality with my shyer types. I kept getting Infp for Tom and i was like "Nooo Ember's a Infp, i don't need two!!"

Deleted user

Wow that’s way better than what I was doing. I just did that loooooooong quiz in the mindset of my OC’s

I did that too and it didn't help, especiality with my shyer types. I kept getting Infp for Tom and i was like "Nooo Ember's a Infp, i don't need two!!"

It’s ok to have more than one, just let your characters be themselves

Deleted user

It’s ok to have more than one, just let your characters be themselves

I know, I just want to be diverse with my mains. It didn't even suit him, he was only shy because of his trauma.


Actually, if you want your mbti type to be more accurate, look up the cognitive functions. The letters don't mean as much as the cognitive functions do, and the letters don't necessarily accurately reflect the type. For example, just because one person is an ENTP and the other is an ISFJ, they actually AREN'T opposites according to the cognitive functions.

Deleted user

'kay, that's useful!
In the "I hate myself club" we talk about Mbti's!
Isn't that interesting!

Deleted user

'kay, that's useful!
In the "I hate myself club" we talk about Mbti's!
Isn't that interesting!

But also sorta predictable

Deleted user

ikr, they are cool

The people who hate themselves are also obsessed with figuring out themselves :P

That’s what I meant haha

Deleted user

That makes sense.

Also, don't be alarmed, I may randomly spurt song lyrics.

Deleted user

Omg Tamatoa was like my favorite and my least favorite