forum I hate myself club! (Name credit to Miboi)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Hi-yuck! We gotta fight captan 'merica, hi-yuck!

What’s that supposed to be? XD

'Key said they were "A more goofy iron man". figure it out.

Deleted user

Gets back from test
ok I got campaigner

read my twin, read! Find out why you may lash out!

Deleted user

Hi-yuck! We gotta fight captan 'merica, hi-yuck!

What’s that supposed to be? XD

'Key said they were "A more goofy iron man". figure it out.

Sorry, didn’t get it right away ahah

Deleted user

Hi-yuck! We gotta fight captan 'merica, hi-yuck!

What’s that supposed to be? XD

'Key said they were "A more goofy iron man". figure it out.

Sorry, didn’t get it right away ahah

It's 'kay!XD

Deleted user

Is everyone else’s favorite superhero Spider-Man? I love him


YES Spider-man is my fave superhero. I just watched Spider-man 2 today for the first time in years, it brought back my whole childhood. :')


Gets back from test
ok I got campaigner

read my twin, read! Find out why you may lash out!

highly emotional, overthinks things, gets stressed easily
tis the reason i lash out

Deleted user

YES Spider-man is my fave superhero. I just watched Spider-man 2 today for the first time in years, it brought back my whole childhood. :')

The 2001 one? That used to be my favorite, It’s just funny now (NOT THAT YOUR INTERESTS ARE A JOKE)

Deleted user

Gets back from test
ok I got campaigner

read my twin, read! Find out why you may lash out!

highly emotional, overthinks things, gets stressed easily
tis the reason i lash out

Did this help? :)

Deleted user

I think it is, I'm going to read through it more, but thank your for suggesting it to me.

NP ;)

Deleted user

It’s so scary reading through the INFJ page it’s like reading a book about me

Deleted user

That's how i felt when i was going through the INFP page.
Did you know that this site can help you write your characters? I'm using it to get inside my characters' heads.

Deleted user

That's how i felt when i was going through the INFP page.
Did you know that this site can help you write your characters? I'm using it to get inside my characters' heads.

I know, It’s so handy!!! I already used it for two of my characters

Deleted user

Just do this:
Ask yourself,
Is character more likely to start a conversation or stay alone?
Does character go off of own morals alone?
Will the character think of the feelings of others before trying to act?
Does your character like having open options?

1: If yes E. If no, I
2: If yes, N. If no, S
3: If yes, F. If no, T.
4: If yes, P. If no, J.
Smash you results together into a four-letter combo, Ex. Infp, Infj, Estj…
Look for your new combo and read on it and see if it fits!

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