@soupnana group
Bad luck I guess. XD Sorry!
Peridot stabs a sheep with a stick for wool.
Obama becomes depressed and seeks the company of Mochi, who turns him away and ignores Obama adamantly.
Loki attacks NutElla, but she manages to escape.
Pewds stalks Nick Cage.
Tiramisu tracks down and kills Starlord.
Shuri forces Kylee to kill Thor or Starlight. She refuses to kill, so Shuri kills her instead.
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) and Midnight go nerd mode and rant about how much they love Stranger Things.
Soup Nana tends to Donald Trump's wounds.
Dobby begs for Snowy to kill him. She refuses, keeping Dobby alive.
Rvan reads a cheesy romance novel found in the cornucopia and cries silently.
Thanos tries to sleep through the entire day.