forum Hunger Games Sim! (No more people can join but y'all can spectate!)
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group


The Bloodbath
Snowy, Shuri, and Red start fighting, but Shuri runs away as Snowy kills Red.

Day 1
Grace falls into a pit and dies.
Steve Carell dies from hypothermia.

Night 1
No deaths occurred.

Day 2
Tiramisu tracks down and kills Starlord.
Shuri forces Kylee to kill Thor or Starlight. She refuses to kill, so Shuri kills her instead.

Arena Event
A herd of wild Fawcetts are let loose the arena!
NutElla and Soup Nana attempt to fight off the Fawcetts with sick beats, but they are unable to stop the wild Fawcetts math problems.
Thor gives Obama and Shuri the answers to the math problems, but they are all killed for cheating by the Fawcetts.
Rvan and Tiramisu attempt to fight off the Fawcetts with sick beats, but they are unable to stop the wild Fawcetts math problems.
Nick Cage and Thanos attempt to fight off the Fawcetts with sick beats, but they are unable to stop the wild Fawcetts math problems.
Dobby finds himself confronted by a Fawcett. They are forced to do math and they die from boredom.

Night 2
No deaths occurred.

The Feast
Snowy cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Pewds repeatedly stabs Midnight to death with sais.
Loki dies from an infection.

Day 3
No deaths occurred.

Night 3
No deaths occurred.

Day 4
No deaths occurred.

Night 4
No deaths occurred.

Day 5
Peridot, Donald Trump, and andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) get into a fight. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) triumphantly kills them both.

Night 5
No deaths occurred.

Day 6
Pewds shoots an arrow at andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), but misses and kills Mochi instead.

Night 6
No deaths occurred.

Day 7
No deaths occurred.

Night 7
Pewds accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.
Starlight severely injures andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) and leaves him to die.
The winner is Starlight from District 6!

@Mercury Beta Tester

OMG HoW DiD I NoT FiNd ThIS eARliEr? Reading through the posts was a blast (Go Obama! Get Logan Paul!), just disappointed I kept dying lol

@Mercury Beta Tester

Our version of Seneca Crane (or whoever succeeded him, it's been a long time since I've read the books)