forum How Many Languages Do You Speak?
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Deleted user

Japanese is such a fun language to learn. Kinda difficult but so so worth it in the end.


My dad was born in Zimbabwe and I've been there but I haven't learnt the language yet. I plan to learn that after German. Then I might learn Korean and Russian if I can.

Deleted user

Gah you guys… the world is amazing. There's so much culture to explore and FOOD.
I understand being a hermit but….dang. XD


Gah you guys… the world is amazing. There's so much culture to explore and FOOD.
I understand being a hermit but….dang. XD

ooo, the food is the best part. I was in Dubai and my god was the curry amazing!


Gah you guys… the world is amazing. There's so much culture to explore and FOOD.
I understand being a hermit but….dang. XD

I know it is… But I have a lot of siblings so my family can't afford to go anywhere… I've only had two summer vacations, the first I don't even remember cause I was only 1 at the time. I want to go places, socialize, see the beautiful world around me… But alas, I'm 13. hides in my room being smol as a bean

Deleted user

XD awwwww man. If I had the money I'd drag you guys everywhere.


That's why I'm studying as hard as I can so I can get a good job and just go everywhere. I want to be able to book a few days off and go wherever the hell I want whether it be back to Zimbabwe to see my grandma or to Australia to see my cousins. I want to be able to see my cousin, who is like a sister to me, get married and I want to be able to drop everything and fly over there when she has her first baby.

Deleted user

Has anyone lived in/ visited other countries?

I moved to America for 2 years


Has anyone lived in/ visited other countries?

Actually yes, a lot.
I've been to India a bunch of times in my life (like 4 or 5 times) and I visited Canada two summers ago. I also went to Pakistan in October of 2017.
Erm aside from that, I've been on multiple cross country road trips with my family which honestly was soooo long but fun. Driving from Texas to Chicago takes like 40 something hours and my family can be annoying but the trip was worth it. I kinda wish we could do another since it's been like more than 5 years


Has anyone lived in/ visited other countries?

I was born in the US and I've never left. I want to go to France and Italy, though


Has anyone lived in/ visited other countries?

Actually yes, a lot.
I've been to India a bunch of times in my life (like 4 or 5 times) and I visited Canada two summers ago. I also went to Pakistan in October of 2017.
Erm aside from that, I've been on multiple cross country road trips with my family which honestly was soooo long but fun. Driving from Texas to Chicago takes like 40 something hours and my family can be annoying but the trip was worth it. I kinda wish we could do another since it's been like more than 5 years

Oh I forgot I've also been to Dubai but that was only for like a few hours but we did go to the mall next to the Burj Khalifa

Deleted user

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice honestly it's so much fun to go on road trips. The overall annoyance of it is what makes it. XD


niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice honestly it's so much fun to go on road trips. The overall annoyance of it is what makes it. XD

Agreed. Although when we drove to Canada, we only brought two types of food- biryani and butter chicken (both of which are really good) but after a while it gets soooo old and I got sick of it.


Has anyone lived in/ visited other countries?

Mexico if you count going 5 miles south into Tijuana back when I lived in CA. Other than that, no, though my parents have both been in several.

Deleted user

That's when you pull into the nearest gas station and pig out on snacks


That's when you pull into the nearest gas station and pig out on snacks

I wish. My parents would only drive to gas stations for gas and coffee. If we beg enough, they'll let us get one bag of chips or something