forum How Many Languages Do You Speak?
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Deleted user

Eris is a curious cat!

I speak 4 as of right now: English, Spanish, Japanese, French
I'm learning Serbian/Russian and it's hard.

But yea let's see if we can get an interesting chat going with other languages.


Well I speak only two. English and Urdu but Urdu is really similar to Hindi and other Indian languages so I can understand those languages. I'm probably gonna take Spanish next year and I do know some Spanish cuz I'm in Texas what else would I learn

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Latin is great. I actually could piece together sections from an ancient Latin Bible once, but now I am way rusty. By the time I die, I want to be able to speak fluent Latin and Arabic. Preferably have a working knowledge of Spanish and Greek. And maybe German.

Deleted user

I really want to learn more Italian, some French, and more Latin.

Deleted user

Oh damn! We got a interesting bunch here. I was learning Hindi from my friend but she moved away… :( I know how to say Hi and thats it. XD

Deleted user

honestly? I have no idea. I feel like spanish is so different than latin.


Dude. Try teaching a kid to read. Then you will truly realize that fact.

I'm assuming you're speaking from experience?

Deleted user

English is so rough. Why was it invented.
Ye Olde Englishe makes more sense than English


"Grammar is important"
I doth not understood what thou art saying
"Spelling is key"
Can I haz chezburger plz?
"Pronunciation matters"

this hurts to look at