forum Honest Opinions: First and Now
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 48 followers

@Moxie group


Then: Seems nice, pretty shy, good rp-er

Now: The nicest, amazing to converse with, super good friend, really smart, puts up wth my endless rambling, must be protected, amazing writer and creates such amazing rps

@HighPockets group

Then: Seems iffy at times, but chill
Now: We disagree on important stuff and I don't respect your opinions much, but you know about writing stuff so we're chill-ish.

@Moxie group

(Awww omg jyn)


Then: eh seems nice. Emi likes her so I know she’s okay

Now: Theatre™️, super sweet, really caring, really nice to talk to, a really lovely person


Really really really likes miraculous lol.

Then: They like miraculous?!

puts on gus voice you know that's right

Now: They're cool, I like them.


Deleted user


First: Erm, we're bonding a bit over theatre, I guess

Now: Jyn Jyn is my sister and I would kill for her.

Deleted user


Then: This user wants to be my child? K?

Now: hAHHHHHHHHH JYNNIIEEEEEEE my child must protecc for the rest of my life, hugs, hugs, will proteccccccccc

Deleted user


Then: kinda sad, but sweet little one, interesting characters
Now: One of my children, adorbs x100, smart, completely wonderful, 10/10 would love forever

Deleted user


Then: kinda stern, fellow smartass, join my bisexy squad
Now: Disney Princess, Bisexy Shark™ partner in crime, funny as heccccc, tiny gay big sister crush.

Deleted user


Then: WHO IS THIS NERD? Be my friend!
Now: my perfect nerdy, Shakespearean, ball of sunshine and amazingness. Super smart. Also adopted by me.