forum Honest Opinions: First and Now
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 48 followers

Deleted user

Tell us what your opinions were on the person in front of you when you first met to now! It'll be fun!

Deleted user

First: This bitch helped me not attack an idiot who was controlling my character

Now: My bromeo, I shed a tear,

Deleted user

First: Wee hyper psychotic person? Idk how to handle this…???

Now: My sassy demon child. Must protec.

Deleted user

First: Annoying, annoying, and annoyinh

Now: Slightly less annoying.

Deleted user

First: Someone who might need to be eliminated.

Now: Pretty chill, nice to chat with, not as much of a threat.

The fuck??

Deleted user

First: Weird cat mom thing

Now: Awesome demon mom thing


(This was @SwimwithGamers)
First: I think this person likes art so therefore I like them

Now: This person reminds me of myself which is almost terrifying but in a good way, I think. I consider them friend.



First: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know if I trust this person (there was some drama going on and I didn't get good first impressions of most of you guys)

Now: They manage to put up with my garbage, that takes a lot of skill. I respec them and will protec them.

Deleted user

First: Seems okay, a bit sheltered, but okay.

Now: An annoying motherfucker.


Logan/Lex/Whatever name they go by now (You change your username 80 times a month):

First: Freaking awful (Again, bad first impressions)

Now: They're okay but need to learn when to keep their mouth shut… Honestly I'm the same way so I can't really blame you

Deleted user

First: Hey they're new, can't wait to meet them or know them.

Now: Fucking annoying as hell, always bitching. They kind of ruined my want for having any sort of child.


First: An amazing human being with incredible artwork and probably the only one out of these idiots that I can trust-

Now: Basically just toxic waste with an unhealthy ego.