forum Homeschooler stuff. Homeschoolers come. Everyone else welcome.
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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Well next year im going to a charter school because family relationships are a lil shaky and im lonely… very… very lonely… plus this school offers german and yeah

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give me some time to go through all this. Im sure I will have questions, Dom.

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Homeschooling is the best thing ever in my opinion. If I was in public school, I'm going to assume from what I've heard about it that I'd:

  • Get much less sleep per night
  • Have way more stress due to assignments and due dates
  • Have a much higher chance of being kidnapped or murdered
  • Get bullied 24/7 (Okay, but I would be the perfect victim for bullying because not only can I not physically stand up for myself in real life, but I'm also childish and very easy to pick on)
  • Be way more exposed to "bad stuff" at a young age (You know what I mean)
  • Be more exposed to drugs/smoking/alcohol/etc
  • Have a lowered self-esteem from grades and expectations
  • Probably end up harming myself over beauty standards (Since I've only recently learned what's considered "beautiful" by society, I've never really seen my appearance as anything less than "adorable")
  • Have a whole bunch of toxic friends
  • Be much less religious
  • Have way fewer hobbies and talents
  • Never have discovered my love for art and animation
  • Never meet my best friends
  • Be in way worse physical shape due to rarely leaving classrooms to go outside
  • Never have discovered
  • Be way more exposed to cursing on the good, Christian school grounds
  • Probably end up with depression
  • Wouldn't have all the fond, happy memories I do now
  • Not have as healthy of a diet
  • Feel lonelier and not as content with my existence
  • Be an overall emotional wreck

So basically, my life would suck if I was public schooled

You're also like….13. So None of this stuff really would have applied to you yet if you had gone to public school. The stuff that I bolded I put emphasis on because out of the 13+ years that I went to public school NONE, and I mean NONE, of this stuff happened to me or anyone that I knew/met/knew of in school. This is the kind of stuff you get out of media because everyone hates on school and youth is over dramatic about everything in life.


I was going by the things I've heard about it and from everyone complaining that the education system is a wreck, I figured most of those things were probably stretched.


And also, I really wouldn't have discovered my love for art because it started as one of those hobbies I took up in an attempt to keep myself occupied after finishing my school for the day

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I know I would've had a very hard time in public school due to my severe ADHD…

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(I suppose my responses are coming out rather grumpy today)

But there is art classes and programs in the public school system. Some aren't great but it's still there. My high school had the best program for art in Southern California. So I mean… It's possible that you could have been the exact same person that you are today. More than likely even.

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Life is a twisted ball of yarn, as it progresses you fiddle from one path to another, in the end of the time finally unraveling the ball, all of it coming to an end.


Oh my goodness I love Blimey Cow. I've gone back and forth between Public school, Catholic school, and homeschooling depending on where I've lived, my family's financial situation at the time, and how bad my anxiety is. Currently I am homeschooled though, so yeah.
Ella I don't think public school is quite that bad, but yeah some of that is definitely true and some of it possibly would be.

Deleted user

Life is a twisted ball of yarn, as it progresses you fiddle from one path to another, in the end of the time finally unraveling the ball, all of it coming to an end.

That was like weird philosophy.

I'm taking that as a compliment, thank you.


I still wouldn't have the same skills as I do now, I've spent over three years practicing and slowly improving, if I was public schooled I wouldn't have half the amount of time I do now, resulting in less time to practice and less improvement. And even taking art classes I'd still not learn as fast due to all the assigned projects instead of being able to focus on my weak points and practice them.


One question, how much of a shock would it be for someone who has been homeschooled their entire life to going to college for the first time? I imagine it wouldn't be as bad as going from homeschool to public school (one of my best friends had to deal with that and yeah it wasn't quite fun for him).

(Please note I have nothing against homeschooling, I'm just curious.)

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I’m homeschooled now, but I was public schooled through seventh grade. Graduating this year, though!

Also, Blimy Cow is Seriously so funny. The Seven Lies About Homeschools series is great.


I haven't yet been to college (though it's coming too soon for my liking) and I've been in public school before, so I'm not sure I'm equipped to answer that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

One question, how much of a shock would it be for someone who has been homeschooled their entire life to going to college for the first time? I imagine it wouldn't be as bad as going from homeschool to public school (one of my best friends had to deal with that and yeah it wasn't quite fun for him).

(Please note I have nothing against homeschooling, I'm just curious.)

(All's good dude. When you are a radical, pretty much nothing really offends you anymore.)
It was a little bit of a shock. There was some panic attack from the workload near the end of the first quarter. But mostly it was just like. "Ooh this is new. I wonder what it's like?" I was the most open and talkative of everyone in my class. But that might just have been me.