forum Homeschooler stuff. Homeschoolers come. Everyone else welcome.
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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instantly regrets everything after looking that poor child in the jacket.

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I know I'm technically not a homeschooler anymore, but I was homeschooled up until last fall, plus i still do a ton of homeschool stuff with my sisters..

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he's so loud but correc

Not completely in my case
no friends alarm blares

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Sooo… Ask questions Eris… and anyone else who is here…

Am i the only one who gets by done 8-10 am?

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Sooo… Ask questions Eris… and anyone else who is here…

Am i the only one who gets by done 8-10 am?

Nah. But I remember the done-by-lunchtime days.



Homeschooling is the best thing ever in my opinion. If I was in public school, I'm going to assume from what I've heard about it that I'd:

  • Get much less sleep per night
  • Have way more stress due to assignments and due dates
  • Have a much higher chance of being kidnapped or murdered
  • Get bullied 24/7 (Okay, but I would be the perfect victim for bullying because not only can I not physically stand up for myself in real life, but I'm also childish and very easy to pick on)
  • Be way more exposed to "bad stuff" at a young age (You know what I mean)
  • Be more exposed to drugs/smoking/alcohol/etc
  • Have a lowered self-esteem from grades and expectations
  • Probably end up harming myself over beauty standards (Since I've only recently learned what's considered "beautiful" by society, I've never really seen my appearance as anything less than "adorable")
  • Have a whole bunch of toxic friends
  • Be much less religious
  • Have way fewer hobbies and talents
  • Never have discovered my love for art and animation
  • Never meet my best friends
  • Be in way worse physical shape due to rarely leaving classrooms to go outside
  • Never have discovered
  • Be way more exposed to cursing on the good, Christian school grounds
  • Probably end up with depression
  • Wouldn't have all the fond, happy memories I do now
  • Not have as healthy of a diet
  • Feel lonelier and not as content with my existence
  • Be an overall emotional wreck

So basically, my life would suck if I was public schooled