forum Hierarchy of hell (chat for anyone) [open for all!!]
Started by @VinegarSoup group

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All holidays are overrated. vine boom sound effect

True, but free stuff is still good.

@Serenity88 group

mostly halloween and Christmas are overrated.
I mean, the Christianity has been all marketed out of Christmas, and halloween is a celebration of the Devil that is also just a big 'ol market thing.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Actually Halloween has nothing to do with the Devil. The holiday was originally called All Hallows Eve (which was shortened to Halloween), but it actually goes back to the Celtic festival of Samhain. It’s a celebration of the coming of Autumn, and it is a day when the spirits of the dead are closest to our world. So, the Celts would celebrate Samhain to honor the spirits of their ancestors/family and to appease any bad spirits. In short, it’s a festival to honor the dead.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Though, the markets did take over in modern days, and made Halloween into a bad joke. But, some of our modern-day traditions still trace back to the old festivals. Dressing up in costumes is a good example. In old times, they would dress up and put on masks to scare away the bad spirits. Technically, we still do that, but the common meaning has changed to just ‘playing dress up’.

Deleted user

mostly halloween and Christmas are overrated.
I mean, the Christianity has been all marketed out of Christmas, and halloween is a celebration of the Devil that is also just a big 'ol market thing.

I have multiple counter arguments for these, both jest and serious, and of a variety, but ima just…. stare at that. And say I like free candy and free stuff.

Deleted user

all i wanted to say was i was excited for christmas
why did it turn into this lol T^T

because… people have opinions. I'm excited for christmas too, because my birthday is in january, so free stuff!

@Serenity88 group

yayyy I found a crochet pattern for convertible mitten gloves! im making them for my mom for X-Mas. not sire what im doing for my dad or sister though. I can mostly crochet but Sister doesn't like anything crochet and dad doesn't need much 😅
but I can embroider some! not sure whaaat either of them would like embroidered. Sister is prob not getting anything from me this year cause im broke so I cant buy anything, and i don't feel adequate to gift her with anything cause she is soooo far out of the artistic-gift-giving ballpark; she does watercolor paintings and she is good.
my best friend is getting crocheted emo choker and corset cause she's pretty and we have running jokes about being emo.

@im-with-stoopid pets

kidnaps elise and brings them to denmark. congrats, now you have very few tests but extremely confusing grading.

Legit got a test back and it was 110/117
Maybe I should move to Denmark… 🤔